The use of police or fire alarms, whether audible or direct-line type of alarms, are expressly permitted subject to the following conditions:
   (a)   Direct-line radio or other electronic police or fire alarms shall be installed by competent workmen so that such devices shall not emit false alarms.
   (b)   Any alarm system that produces false alarms shall constitute a public nuisance if such system activates more than one false alarm in any thirty day period, or two false alarms in any ninety day period, or three false alarms in any 180 day period, or four false alarms in any 365 day period.
   (e)   Any police officer or fire fighter who responds to a false alarm shall report the same to the Police Commissioner/Chief of Police or Fire Chief as appropriate, who shall monitor and maintain records concerning such false alarms.
   (d)   When any alarm system shall constitute a public nuisance as set forth hereunder, the Police Commissioner/Chief of Police or Fire Chief, as the case may be, shall notify the owner of the system that it has activated more false alarms than is permissible hereunder and that any future false alarms shall result in the prosecution for violation of this article.
   (e)   Notice as required by this article shall be given by the Police Commissioner/Chief of Police or Fire Chief by mailing a certified letter with return receipt requested, or by personal service of such notice by handing a copy of the same to the owner of the subject property, or to an adult representative thereof. If service is made in person, the Police Commissioner/Chief of Police or Fire Chief, or his or her designee, shall file a proof of service which shall be under oath and which shall designate the person upon whom service was made.
   (f)   For the purpose of this article the owner of real estate on which an alarm system is placed and used shall be considered the owner and the person responsible for its proper maintenance and use.
   (g)   In addition to any penalty provided hereunder, upon notifying the owner that the police or fire alarm system constitutes a public nuisance, the Police Commissioner/ Chief of Police or Fire Chief, as the case may be, shall also notify the York County Emergency Operations Center and any other agency handling the system that the system has been declared a public nuisance and that the system should be disconnected and no longer used.
      (Ord. 13-1979 §1. Passed 8-21-79.)