(a)   Upon parking any vehicle in a parking meter zone at any time when the provisions of this article are in effect, the operator thereof shall, upon entering the designated parking space, immediately deposit or cause to be deposited a coin of United States currency in the parking meter controlling such parking space as designated thereon and, in a manually operated parking machine pull the lever.
   (b)   Upon the deposit of such coin, and the setting of the timing mechanism in operation when so required, the parking space may be lawfully occupied by such vehicle during the period of time which has been prescribed for the part of the street in which such parking space is located, provided that any person placing a vehicle in a parking meter space adjacent to a meter which indicates that unused time has been left in the meter by the previous occupant of the space shall not be required to deposit a coin so long as his occupancy of the space does not exceed the indicated unused parking time.
   (c)   The fee to be charged for parking shall be the schedule of rates and charges for the use of the meters adopted by the City which may be amended thereafter on or before the first day of each fiscal year of the City when the City will adopt a schedule of rates and charges for the use of the meters which initial and any subsequent amended schedules of rates and charges shall, in the judgment of the City, taking into account the hours of operation of the meters, be sufficient in each such period or fiscal year to provide the City with sufficient funds, together with other revenues of the City derived from the System to satisfy the Rate Covenant which shall thereafter become effective.
(Ord. 26-2022. Passed 4-19-22.)