Tax Incremental Financing Program
310.01   Definitions.
310.02   Boundaries of the District.
310.03   Creation and term of District.
310.04   Name of District.
310.05   Legislative findings.
310.06   Approval of project plan and project financing.
310.07   Creation of Tax Increment Fund.   
310.08   Tax increment revenues to be held in trust for project.
310.09   Application of Tax Increment Revenue.
310.10   Designation of Authority as Project Authority.
310.11   Authorization of officers.
310.12   Procedures for collection of Tax Increment Revenues.
310.13   Agreements for financial security for project costs.
310.14   Termination of LERTA tax abatements.
310.15   Amendments to project plan and District.
310.16   Severability.
310.17   Repealer.