The following words and terms, when used in this article, shall have the following meanings:
   (a)   "Act" means Act 113 of 1990 enacted by the general assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as amended.
   (b)   "Authority" or "Redevelopment Authority" means the Redevelopment Authority of the City of York or any lawful successor body thereto.
   (c)   "City" means the City of York, Pennsylvania.
   (d)   "County" means York County, Pennsylvania.
   (e)   "Finance officer" means the legally authorized agent of the municipality or school district responsible by law for receipt and disbursement of the revenues of the municipality or school district.
   (f)   "Industrial Plaza of York" or "District" means the Tax Increment District created pursuant to this article and in accordance with the provisions of Act 113 of 1990.
   (g)   "Industrial Authority" or "IDA" means the York County Industrial Development Authority or any lawful successor body thereto.
   (h)   "Project" or "Industrial Plaza of York Project" means the undertakings and activities of the Redevelopment Authority and the IDA in the Industrial Plaza of York District for the elimination and prevention of blight in accordance with the project plan.
   (i)   "Project costs" means such costs including any and all eligible project costs undertaken within or for the benefit of the Industrial Plaza of York District in accordance with the express language defining project costs as contained in the Act.
   (j)   "Project plan" means the Industrial Plaza of York "TIF" proposal prepared by the York County Industrial Development Authority and any duly authorized amendments thereto.
   (k)   "School district" means the School District of the City of York.
   (l)   "Tax Increment" or "Tax Increment Revenues" shall be deemed to include all revenues applicable to the Industrial Plaza of York District as more fully defined in the definition of "Tax Increment" contained in the Act.
   (m)   "Tax Increment Fund" means the fund maintained by the Redevelopment Authority into which are paid all Tax Increments and into which are deposited certain other revenues related to the Industrial Plaza of York District and the Project, and from which money is disbursed to pay Project Costs related to the District.
      (Ord. 22-1993 Sec. 1. Passed 8-24-93.)