(a)   Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no enterprise shall be permitted to participate in the program established under Section 136.04, unless it has been issued a certificate of registration under the provisions of this article or is self-certified pursuant to regulations issued pursuant to this eligibility criteria or pursuant to regulations issued pursuant to this article. Eligibility criteria for certification shall include the following:
      (1)   Written evidence that the applicant is:
         A.   A bona fide local business enterprise;
         B.   A bond fide small business enterprise;
         C.   A bond fide local business enterprise located in an enterprise zone.
      (2)   Compliance with the regulations set forth in subsection (b) hereof.
   (b)   Any enterprise seeking to be registered as a local business enterprise or a small business enterprise in the City shall make and file with the Office of Economic Development a written application as may be prescribed, which shall include a certification of the correctness of the information provided. The applicant shall be required to furnish evidence of eligibility, ability, character and financial statement prepared by a public accountant or certified public accountant, as of no more than ninety days prior to the application date. If the information provided in the application changes, the applicant shall report the change to the Office of Economic Development and the City Human Relations Commission. If the information submitted complies with the criteria of this article, the Office and the Commission shall jointly issue the applicant a certificate of registration to engage in the programs established under Section 136.04.
   (c)   If the Office and the Commission are unable to agree on a certification request, such request shall be submitted within thirty days to Council for decision, and such decision shall be binding on both the Office and the Commission. Such decision shall be in the form of a resolution voted upon by Council at a regularly scheduled Council meeting.
   (d)   The Office and the Commission may decertify for cause as defined in Section 136.99(a). If there is a disagreement on the appropriateness of decertification, the issue shall be submitted within thirty days to Council for decision, and such decision shall be binding on both the Office and Commission. Such decision shall be in the form of a resolution voted upon by Council at a regularly scheduled Council meeting.
   (e)   A certificate of registration shall expire three years from the date of approval of the application.
(Ord. 18-1993 Sec. 1. Passed 8-3-93.)