(a)   To achieve the goals set forth in Section 136.03, programs designed to assist contractors, who are certified as local business enterprises or small business enterprises, shall be established by regulations issued by the Mayor pursuant to Section 136.07.
   Such programs shall be implemented by each agency within sixty days of the effective date of this article.
   (b)   The Mayor shall include among these programs a bid preference mechanism for local business enterprises and small business enterprises. In evaluating bids and proposals, agencies shall award preferences, in the form of points (in the case of proposals) or a percentage reduction in price (in the case of bids) as follows:
      (1)   Eight points of a possible 100, eight percent (8%), for local business enterprises.
      (2)   Two points of a possible 100, two percent (2%), for businesses located in enterprise zones.
      (3)   Four points of a possible 100, four percent (4%), for a small business enterprise as defined herein.
      (4)   However, in no event shall any bidder receive greater than twelve points of a possible 100, twelve percent (12%), preference.
         (Ord. 18-1993 Sec. 1. Passed 8-3-93.)