(a)   A permit as required by the Electrical Code shall be issued by the Electrical Inspector or his agent for the installation, construction, alteration or extension of an electrical wiring system or component thereof to the firm or individual who intends to do the actual electrical work.
   (b)   The application for an electrical job permit shall be accompanied by a sketch, wiring diagram, or written description of the work to be done, depending upon the complexity of the job. The information presented shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Electrical Inspector to determine that the proposed work will conform to the requirements of the Electrical Code. If, in the course of the work, it is found necessary to make any changes from the plans and specifications on which a permit has been issued, amended plans and specifications shall be submitted and a supplementary permit, subject to the same conditions applicable to the original application for permit, shall be issued to cover the change.
(Ord. 6-1977 §6. Passed 3-1-77.)
   (c)   Fees for the construction, alteration or extension of electrical wiring systems shall be in accordance with the fee schedule established by the BOCA National Building Code, 1999 edition, Section 112.3.1, as is otherwise adopted and amended by resolution of Council, and this fee shall be in addition to and separate from the required building permit fees.
(Ord. 1-2000. Passed 1-18-00.)
   (d)   All required permit applications shall be filed before starting work. On installations of any emergency nature only, this requirement may be waived providing that on the next working day, a permit must be obtained for this emergency work. A brief explanation of the emergency work to be performed shall also be forwarded to the Electrical Inspector for his approval.
   (e)   An amendment to the original permit shall be required if the scope of the work covered by the original permit is changed. Any additional fee required because of a change in the estimated cost of the work or an amendment to the work as originally proposed shall be submitted to the Electrical Inspector not later than one week after the completion of the work.
(Ord. 6-1977 §6. Passed 3-1-77.)
   (f)   Before any permit is issued, the applicant shall designate an inspection agency using inspectors certified by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors through Educational Testing Services testing that shall provide the final certificate of approval. The applicant may change the inspection agency only with the written approval of the Electrical Inspector. (Ord. 18-1988 §5. Passed 10-4-88.)
   (g)   A permit shall not be required for the replacement of existing sockets, lamps, controls, motors or fuses where no additional wiring is involved.
   (h)   If after issuance of a permit, the work has not been started within ninety days, or subsequent to the starting thereof has been discontinued for a period of six months, such permit shall become void. (Ord. 6-1977 §6. Passed 3-1-77.)
   (i)   Persons owning industrial or manufacturing facilities requiring large and complex electrical wiring systems may make application for an annual permit relieving them from the requirements of Sections 1709.06 and 1709.07. If the Electrical Inspector is satisfied that such person employ full-time competent personnel, skilled in electrical maintenance work to make such installations, alterations and extensions, and that all electrical wiring systems conform to the standards of the Electrical Code, he shall issue an annual permit. This permit shall be considered a company permit and there shall be a flat fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) payable on or before January 1 of each year. It is not the intent of an annual company permit to cover work done by any part-time or outside electrical contractor retained by an industrial or manufacturing concern.
(Ord. 18-1988 §5. Passed 10-4-88.)