All land disturbance activities shall be conducted in such a way as to prevent accelerated erosion and resulting sedimentation.
   (a)   Standards. Measures to control erosion and sedimentation shall at a minimum meet the standards of the York County Conservation District and Chapter 102 (Erosion Control) of Title 25, Rules and Regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.
   (b)   Control Techniques. Techniques for controlling accelerated erosion and resulting sedimentation include, but are not limited to:
(1)   Minimization of exposed areas.
(2)   Diversion of water away from the project area by diversion terraces or other means.
(3)   Stabilization of slopes, channels, ditches or other disturbed areas.
(4)   Interim stabilization of disturbed areas where appropriate.
(5)   Collection of runoff for sediment removal in sediment basins.
   (c)   Design. The applicant is urged to consult the publications listed in the Appendix to aid in design of control methods.
         (Ord. 13-1981 §1. Passed 5-20-81.)