a)   GROUND COVER - Any part of the site which is not used for buildings, other structures, loading or parking spaces and aisles, sidewalk and designated storage areas shall be planted with an all-season ground cover. It shall be maintained to provide an attractive appearance, and all non-surviving plants shall be replaced promptly.
   b)   LANDSCAPING - Any required landscaping (landscaping strips and interior landscaping) shall include a combination of the following elements: deciduous trees, ground covers, evergreens, shrubs, vines, flowers, rocks, gravel, earth mounds, berms, sculptures, fountains, sidewalk furniture or other approved materials. Artificial plants, trees and shrubs may not be used to satisfy any requirements for landscaping or screening. No less than eight percent (8%) of the required landscaped areas shall be vegetative in composition, and no outdoor storage shall be permitted within required landscaped areas.
      1)   NON-RESIDENTIAL USES - All commercial, institutional, and industrial new construction and substantial rehabilitation or adaptive reuse proposals are subject to the requirements of land development ordinance section and landscaping requirements of this Section and the land development ordinance Article 1336 Required Improvements. All land development plans concerning these uses must have a landscape plan.
      2)   RESIDENTIAL USES - All applications for new residential building construction or substantial improvements to existing residences shall require the installation of street trees.
      3)   PLACEMENT - One (1) street tree, at a minimum, shall be provided per lot frontage. The tree shall be installed no closer than twenty (20) feet from any sewer lateral. Street trees shall be installed in accordance with placement details adopted or reviewed by the Zoning Officer. Such trees shall have a minimum caliper of one and one-half (1 1/2) inches.
      4)   APPROVAL TREE TYPES - Street trees shall be selected from a list of trees approved by the City Forester.
   d)   REMOVAL OF STREET TREES - All street trees within a public right-of-way must not be removed without approval. Removal includes removal of the stump and roots, improvement of the sidewalk area in accordance with the City's sidewalk specifications and/or replacement with a tree at the same location or a location specified by City Forester. Prior to the removal or replacement of any street tree, the proposal is subject to review by the City Forester.