a) PURPOSE -The purpose of the Urban Residential Neighborhood (UN-2) District is to allow for the revitalization of diverse compact, pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods which exhibit characteristics reminiscent of traditional neighborhoods including medium to high density residential uses, combined with workplaces, public facilities, open space, and extremely limited compatible appropriately-scaled neighborhood commercial uses with direct access to major transportation corridors and transit. The goal of this district is to allow for neighborhood revitalization that incorporates innovation of design and lot layout, opportunities for quality affordable housing for households of all income levels, efficient use of land, preservation of historic and architectural integrity and flexibility for infill development.
It is intended for most non-residential uses within a UN2 district to be permitted by special exception in order to allow for greater review of the proposals and to allow community input into the review process in order to ensure that the proposals are in character with the neighborhood.
The goals of this district promote innovation of design, greater opportunities for improved quality of life, pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods and flexibility of regulation described as follows:
1) INNOVATION -Innovativeneighborhood revitalization that makes use of infill development standards resulting in greater variety of type, design and layout of dwellings and other buildings and structures resulting in conservation of open space ancillary to mixed use development with consideration for public transit as a viable alternative to the automobile.
2) OPPORTUNITIES - Redevelopment and infill development that extends greater opportunity for better housing, recreation and access to goods, services, employment and public transit to improve the overall quality of life for residents.
3) PEDESTRIAN-ORIENTED NEIGHBORHOODS - Allow for the redevelopment of neighborhoods that fully integrate a variety of housing types for households of all ages, types and income levels with access to parks, centrally located public commons, squares, and plazas with the intent of creating healthy neighborhoods with a sense of place with reduced traffic congestion, infrastructure costs and environmental impacts.
4) FLEXIBILITY OF REGULATION - Increase the flexibility of regulations over land development for redevelopment and infill development projects to aid in achieving the purpose of this district.
5) PROPERTY VALUES - Stabilize property values.
b) USE REGULATIONS - A structure may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied for principal and accessory uses as identified in table 1303.08.
c) DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS - In this Zoning District, any structure hereafter erected or any lot hereafter used or occupied for any lawful purpose shall provide the minimum, and not exceed the maximum, dimensions specified in table 1303.13 or as specified elsewhere in this ordinance. Should the requirements of this Article conflict with other requirements within this ordinance for any specified use, the strictest of requirements shall take precedence.
d) OTHER REQUIREMENTS - All uses must comply with all other sections of this zoning ordinance and applicable City, State, and Federal requirements.
Dimensional Requirement | Use | Requirement |
Minimum Lot Area | All | 2,000 ft. 2 |
Minimum Lot Width | All | 20 ft. |
Minimum Building Setback - Front | All | None |
Minimum Building Setback - Rear | All | None |
Minimum Building Setback - Side | All | None |
Minimum Building Height | All | 20 ft. |
Maximum Building Height | All | 40 ft.* |
Maximum Total Impervious Surface | All | 75% of Gross Lot Area |
Minimum Open Area | All | 25% of Gross Lot Area |
* Must match or be compatible with the height of adjoining structures.