a)   PURPOSE - The Central Business District shall serve as the focal point for social, cultural, entertainment, government, commercial and tourism activities of the City. The CBD is intended to serve as a destination providing unique opportunities and experiences. Activities occurring in this District are, for the most part, pedestrian-oriented, therefore the safety, mobility and well-being of pedestrians using this area shall be protected and supported by these regulations. Development, redevelopment and infill development activities shall be compatible with the following District characteristics:
      1)   DENSITY - Encourage a greater intensity of development in order to attract residents, employees, merchants and businesses necessary to create a vibrant and diverse urban center. Multi-story buildings and maximum floor area ratios are encouraged.
      2)   VERTICAL MIX OF USE -Promote the vertical mixture of uses rather than horizontal segregation of uses within buildings and along street blocks. The vertical scale of this center is more pronounced to encourage a greater density and intensity of uses. In blocks, establish areas for concentration of upper floor residential uses to support non-residential uses in the District and provide live-work opportunities.
      3)   DESIGN OF PUBLIC SPACE -Encourage planning, design and detailing that reflects the needs of pedestrians maintain and expand multi-modal circulation opportunities and create memorable civic/public spaces.
      4)   USE CLUSTERS -Establish an area or areas with the District for the concentration of uses such as theatres, restaurants, night clubs and bars, museums, galleries, stadiums and similar uses providing entertainment opportunities. Businesses of this type attract people to the area and provide more efficient use of shared parking facilities. Establish groupings of specialty shops in areas of high pedestrian use and regulated on-street parking for high turnover.
      5)   PEDESTRIAN AMENITIES -Provide pedestrian amenities such as gathering places for sitting and eating outdoors, wayfinding and heritage signage and information kiosks, shade trees, bus shelters, cross walks, outdoor art, water access, public plazas and accessible public facilities.
      6)   HISTORIC PRESERVATION -Historical and architectural preservation and compatibility through use of the HARB Overlay.
      7)   COMMERCIAL WATERFRONT AREA -Allow for special water-oriented activity in the Central Business District of the City bordering on the Codorus Creek. It shall be the primary purpose of this District to incorporate indoor and outdoor commercial activity, residential and mixed use development, entertainment, and tourist-related activity in an urban park setting along the banks of the Codorus Creek.
      8)   SHARED PARKING FACILITIES -The use of shared parking facilities and parking structures with ground level commercial space shall be promoted in this District.
      9)   DESIGN STANDARDS -Provisions of this Ordinance shall provide basic elements for the design of public space, streetscapes and pedestrian amenities, location of parking lots and structures, wayfinding signage and trash storage.
b)   USE REGULATIONS - A structure may be erected or used and a lot may be used or occupied for principal and accessory uses as identified in table 1303.08.
   c)   DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS - In this Zoning District, any structure hereafter erected or any lot hereafter used or occupied for any lawful purpose shall provide the minimum, and not exceed the maximum, dimensions specified in table 1303.14 or as specified elsewhere in this ordinance. Should the requirements of this Article conflict with other requirements within this ordinance for any specified use, the strictest of requirements shall take precedence.   
   d)   OTHER REQUIREMENTS - All uses must comply with all other sections of this zoning ordinance and applicable City, State, and Federal requirements.
Table 1303.13
Dimensional Requirements
Dimensional Requirement
Minimum Lot Area
1,500 ft. 2
Minimum Lot Width
20 ft.
Minimum Building Setback - Front
Minimum Building Setback - Rear
Minimum Building Setback - Side
Minimum Building Height
Maximum Building Height
Maximum Total Impervious Surface
100% of gross lot area
Minimum Open Area
0% of gross lot area