(A) The York County Athletic Commission shall consist of five at-large members appointed by the County Council for terms of four years and until their successors are appointed and qualify. Vacancies shall be filled in the manner of original appointment, for the unexpired term. No member may have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in the promotion, management or result of any boxing, wrestling or sparring event. The County Council shall forward a list of the appointees, indicating the persons holding office and the duration of their terms, to the office of the State Athletic Commission.
(B) Members of the commission shall receive only compensation as may be appropriated by the County Council. Travel and other incidental expenses may be provided; subject, however, to the rules, policies and procedures established by the county for county boards, agencies and commissions.
(C) The county’s Athletic Commission shall maintain records of all proceedings, and may adopt rules of procedure, not inconsistent with the provisions of this subchapter or the statutory law of this state. The Athletic Commission shall select the chairperson and other officers to serve for terms as the commission may designate.
(D) Any member who fails to attend three consecutive commission meetings shall be deemed to have forfeited his or her membership on the commission and shall be removed without further action by the commission or the County Council unless the unaffected commission members vote unanimously to excuse the absences. It shall be the responsibility of the commission chairperson to notify the Athletic Commission, the offending member(s) and the County Council of the absences, removal and vacancies, and the County Council shall fill any vacancy so created in the manner of the original appointment, for the unexpired term of the Athletic Commission member.
(‘77 Code, § 11.5-61) (Ord. 393, passed 1-18-93)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, S.C. Code Title 52, Chapter 7