The Board of the Rock Hill-York County Convention & Visitors Bureau shall have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   To make by-laws for the management and regulation of the affairs of the commission;
   (B)   To establish and implement the policies and to carry on the programs and projects as may be advisable to effect and carry out the objectives of the commission; subject, however, to the availability of funds; provided, however, that the commission shall not make any agreement or contract involving or requiring an expenditure of funds in excess of those funds appropriated by County Council and/or made available to the commission from other sources, without the specific written approval and consent of County Council;
   (C)   To accept donations of property, services or money suitable for use in the programs and projects of the commission;
   (D)   To submit an annual plan and an annual budget to County Council setting forth in detail all anticipated revenues and all projected expenses for consideration by Council in the appropriation of funds;
   (E)   To receive and expend grants, appropriations, gifts or donations from any public or private source for the operation, expansion, administration or improvement of the property, projects or programs of the commission;
   (F)   To maintain, operate and make available programs and projects as may be deemed appropriate or advisable for the purposes and objectives of the commission;
   (G)   To file annually with the County Council a detailed report of the commission’s operations, revenues and expenditures for the previous fiscal year; and
   (H)   To adopt and administer personnel policies and procedures by which the director and all employees of the commission shall be governed.
(‘77 Code, § 11-47) (Ord. 2289A, passed 4-17-89; Am. Ord. 600, passed 2-7-00; Am. Ord. 3503, passed 11-3-03)