(A) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to create and establish the "York County Radio Replacement Fund" or "the fund" to provide for the timely and equitable replacement of radios and radio support equipment.
(B) Radio/radio support equipment criteria.
(1) It is hereby declared to be the policy of York County to manage its radio and radio support equipment to allow its utilization in an optimum manner as determined by the York County Communications System Executive Committee; hereinafter "the Committee". In determining the useful life, and in deciding to replace or retain radio and radio support equipment, the following factors will be considered:
(a) Cost of operation;
(b) Reliability (amount and frequency of down time and safety);
(c) Device performance capability (including applicability);
(d) Cost to repair/upgrade versus replacement (due to changing application requirements or user needs or system failure);
(e) Availability of replacement parts and manufacturer technical support.
(2) Each of the factors enumerated above shall be considered in reaching a decision to replace or retain an item.
(3) Rapidly changing technology is a key issue within the replacement criteria. As radio and radio support technology changes, the Committee may employ objective criteria not outlined within the ordinance to supplement replacement criteria outlined above.
(C) Replacement rates.
(1) A replacement rate will be established for each radio or piece of radio support equipment in order to accrue monies for the timely replacement of the item. This replacement rate shall be recommended by the Committee and approved by the County Manager on the basis of the following formula: R=C/P.
(a) "R" - is the annual replacement rate.
(b) "P" - is the estimated period of use in years.
(c) "C" - is the estimated cost of a like item at the time of replacement (including operating system, installation, preparation, application software, and taxes if applicable).
(2) Rates shall be billed to each department on an annual basis as a charge to each department's operating and maintenance budget. Monies accrued from charges shall be credited to the Fund.
(3) Replacement rates may also be adjusted independently of the above formula to allow for balancing the fund as necessary.
(4) Replacement rates for all inventory items shall be developed and updated by Public Safety Communications annually and approved by the county manager.
(D) Estimated period of use.
(1) An estimated period of use shall be established by the Committee for each inventory item at the time of acquisition. This period shall encompass that time frame from the date of acquisition to the estimated replacement date.
(2) The determination of this period shall be based upon an analysis of the anticipated supportable lifespan of the item, combined with performance experience with similar items.
(3) Estimated supportable lifespan shall be generally be set for item type and classification, rather than on an individual basis.
(4) Estimated supportable lifespan for all inventory item classes shall be developed and updated annually by Public Safety Communications, recommended to the Committee for adoption and approved by the County Manager.
(5) The estimated supportable lifespan is a replacement program-planning guide only. Individual items may be replaced on a shorter or longer time frame depending upon their status or upon the status of the fund. The county manager will review the status of the entire inventory on an annual basis in order to make such determinations.
(E) Replacement cost.
(1) Replacement cost shall be established for each inventory item at the time of purchase. This cost shall be estimated purchase cost of an equivalent item as determined at the appropriate end of its estimated supportable lifespan. The basis for determining an equivalent unit shall not include allowances for extras or upgrading.
(2) Included in the replacement cost shall be "make-ready cost", which include such items as current radio and radio support equipment standardized operating systems, installation and preparation, updated client access licenses, taxes, and the like. These cost will be borne by the fund if the unit was so equipped.
(3) To achieve some degree of consistency in projecting cost, projections will be made on the basis of a three-year moving average of the cumulative purchase cost.
(4) The three-year moving average allows for more gradual adjustments in replacement rates. Public Safety Communications shall be responsible for reviewing and updating replacement cost on an annual basis and shall be approved by the county manager.
(F) Creation of Radio Replacement Fund.
(1) There is hereby created and established the York County Radio Replacement Fund, which shall be administered, funded and disbursed as provided herein. Replacement rates for each inventory item shall be accrued in the fund on the basis of annual billings to each user department.
(2) The fund shall be the source of capital for all necessary replacements of inventory items. The fund shall not be used for the purchase of additional inventory items, extras or upgrades other than for technology stabilization at replacement. Subject to the exceptions contained herein, the fund shall be administered, and balanced as a separate single fund, rather than on a per item basis related to replacements of individual items. If, at the time of replacement of any item, a surplus or deficit exists in the replacement monies for that item, the surplus or deficit shall be reconciled within the fund. In order to minimize the need for reconciliation, and when necessary, to minimize their impact, the surpluses or losses shall be amortized over a six-year fiscal period. All inventory items, corresponding replacement rates, periods of utilization, and replacement cost will be logged into the fund status balance sheet for the purpose of assessing existing or projected surpluses of deficits over this period.
(3) Fund balances or deficits for any given year shall be determined on the basis of the following formula: FN = RRN + SN - CN
(a) "FN" - is the Fund Status in any given year.
(b) "RRN" - is the cumulative accrued replacement monies for the inventory for that year.
(c) "SN" - is the cumulative estimated replacement cost for inventory items amortized for that year.
(d) "CN" - is the actual replacement cost for inventory items for that year.
(4) For the purpose of fiscal planning and management, fund surpluses or deficits shall be maintained within the following ranges:
(a) First three years of planning period: maximum allowable average yearly deficit of 5% or estimated cumulative replacement cost; maximum allowable average yearly surplus plus 5% of estimated cumulative replacement cost.
(b) Last three years of planning period: maximum allowable yearly surplus or deficit plus or minus 5% of estimated cumulative replacement cost.
(5) If the project fund balance falls outside of these ranges, the county manager shall recommend to the County Council that adjustments in the fund be made through either:
(a) An overall adjustment upward or downward in annual replacement rates for either the entire inventory or a given category of inventory items; or
(b) A monetary supplement or deduction from the fund.
(G) County treasurer's authority. The county treasurer shall hold, administer, invest and reinvest all funds in the Radio Replacement Fund as a fund separate from all monies or accounts held by the County; provided, however, that all funds deposited or accruing to the account of the Radio Replacement Fund may be invested jointly with other County funds to obtain the optimum return on the funds. The county treasurer shall have all powers and authority to invest and reinvest monies, funds or assets transferred to the Radio Replacement Fund as are generally conferred upon county treasures by statute, law, ordinance or properly promulgated rule or regulation.
(H) Replacement, review and approval - establishment of committee.
(1) The final decision to replace or retain radios and communication equipment shall lie with the York County Council. To aid in this process, the Committee will be established.
(2) The Committee shall be comprised of the assistant county manager, York County sheriff, public safety communications director, York County emergency management director, York County fire marshal, county manager, and advisory members without voting privileges: York County radio shop manager, Motorola system manager, and user group chairperson.
(3) The Committee shall make recommendations to the county manager as to the need for replacement radios and radio support equipment based on the "replacement criteria" established above. The Committee will review on an annual basis all radios and communications equipment and make recommendations with respect to the retention or replacement of such radios and radio support equipment based on the criteria established above.
(4) The Committee shall not make any recommendations for replacement unless funds to make such purchases are available through procedures established by this section.
(Ord. 1520, passed 6-15-20)