The county shall be presented with a written recorded drainage easement, in addition to referencing on the final plat, and either a separate easement or combined with the drainage easement for any post-construction BMP. Such easements shall run with the land and provide York County or its designated agents the right to access, inspect, monitor, maintain, repair, or replace any portion of or infrastructure contained within the easement. Generally, the owner of the property for which the easement is written will be responsible for maintenance, repair, or replacement of the easement and any infrastructure contained within the easement. The York County Council must specifically approve any drainage or other easement before the county has the duty or responsibility to maintain the easement(s). The county reserves the right to accept only those easements which are a direct result of the collection and distribution of stormwater related to county-dedicated roadway construction and maintenance. Any facilities conveyed to York County under the provisions of this chapter shall contain a covenant obligating the grantor to be responsible for the maintenance of the facilities for a period of two years after the facilities have been accepted by the county governing body.
(Ord. 2819, passed 6-17-19)