(A) Regular meetings. The Keep York County Beautiful Board shall meet bi-monthly or six times per year at a date, time and place to be established by the Board from time to time. Timely written notice of the date, time and place of regular meetings of the Board of not less than seven days shall be given to members of the Board by mail, e-mail or by hand-delivery.
(B) Special meetings. The chairperson or one-third of the members of the Board may call a special meeting of the Board at any time, provided that notice of the date, time, place and purpose of such special meeting shall be given to each member of the Board in writing, by mail, e-mail or by hand-delivery at least three days prior to the special meeting.
(C) Quorum. A quorum shall consist of a majority of voting members of the Board currently serving a term of office at any regular or special meeting. No business may be transacted by the Board at any regular or special meeting in the absence of a quorum.
(D) Parliamentary procedure. All questions of order, procedure and parliamentary law shall be governed by the most recent edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order, except in instances in which Roberts’ Rules of Order have been superseded by an applicable South Carolina statute, county code or ordinance.
(E) Questions of order. All questions of order shall be determined in the first instance by the chairperson, or, in the absence of the chairperson, the vice chairperson, without debate, but any member of the Board may appeal to the full Board from the decision of the chairperson or vice chairperson, if applicable.
(Ord. 710, passed 2-1-10; Am. Ord. 7023, passed 12-18-23)