(A) (1) If wastewater is discharged into the county system without the actual knowledge of the county, a bill will be made against the user or customer for the estimated amount of the discharge or for the quantity of water shown to have been used by the meter.
(2) If the sewer service was obtained through an unauthorized device, the service may be terminated immediately.
(B) (1) In the case of a stopped, broken or damaged meter that has not registered actual usage of water used by the customer or users, an estimated bill will be calculated based on prior usage. In the case of no prior usage history, an estimated bill will be calculated based on a similar type of customer.
(2) The water and sewer accounts billing office, may establish a procedure for payment of the bill, based on the amount and user’s ability to pay if the user or customer is not able to pay the bill in full.
(‘77 Code, § 7-89) (Ord. 1585, passed 10-21-85)