   (A)   Sewer service connections for premises abutting streets having county sewer mains within the right-of-way of streets or roads shall remain the property of the owner, and shall be the responsibility of the property owner or occupant.
   (B)   Sewer service connections for premises which do not abut streets having county sewer mains within the right-of-way of streets or roads shall be the responsibility of the property owner or occupant to the property line of the premises if such design is part of a longstanding system that is acquired by the county.
   (C)   Subject to any applicable covenants and restrictions of record for specifically burdened properties, sewer service connections for premises having county sewer mains within the property line when the county acquires ownership of a sewer system shall remain the property of the owner and shall be the responsibility of the property owner or occupant.
   (D)   Each applicant for service shall designate with a marker the location of a new sewer service connection prior to the beginning of work. When the lowest elevation of plumbing in a building to be served is lower than the rim elevation of the nearest upstream manhole, the sewer service connection will not be activated until a backwater valve is installed, as required by the applicable plumbing code.
   (E)   The charges for making a four-inch or smaller sewer service connection shall be established in accordance with the water and sewer rate methodology documents, and as set forth in the county ordinance to establish rates and charges for water and sewer services.
   (F)   The charges for making sewer service connections larger than four inches, or where manholes or creek crossings are required, shall be determined as provided in the county ordinance to establish rates and charges for water and sewer services. The water and sewage department shall determine the cost to furnish any service requested, upon submission of an application for a sewer service connection and all supporting information and data which may be required by the department. Payment of the determined cost is required prior to any construction work by the water and sewage department.
   (G)   The property owner or user shall not perform, direct or permit the performance of any maintenance work within the right-of-way of any street, road, or easement without the express written approval of the water and sewage department. Except in extraordinary or unusual circumstances, all maintenance work required within a street right-of-way shall be performed by the water and sewage department, or by permittees duly authorized by the department. Ordinary maintenance and repairs to the county sewer system shall be made by the water and sewage department. The property owner or user will be charged actual costs of labor, equipment and materials for repairs to service connections where it is determined by the department that actions of the property owner or user have necessitated repairs to the service connection.
(‘77 Code, § 7-82) (Ord. 1585, passed 10-21-85; Am. Ord. 6823, passed 12-18-23)