(A)   At or prior to the third public meeting of the Council preceding the end of the county’s fiscal year, the Committee on Finance shall introduce for first reading an appropriations ordinance which shall set forth in detail appropriations for all county purposes and activities during the ensuing fiscal year; and this ordinance, as it may be amended, shall be enacted by the Council prior to the commencement of the fiscal year.
   (B)   The total of the appropriations under the ordinance shall not exceed the total of anticipated county revenue from all sources as projected by the chief administrative officer under the direction of the Committee on Finance. The appropriations ordinance shall include a “contingent fund,” of no less than 2% of anticipated county revenues from all sources as projected by the chief administrative officer under this section to cover items of expenditure for which no express provision is made elsewhere in the ordinance.
(‘77 Code, § 2-35) (Ord. 4, passed 2-7-77)