For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AIR GAP. The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture or other device, and the flood level rim of the receptacle.
   CAPACITY OR IMPACT FEE. A fee paid by customers as a condition of development approval, to cover a proportionate share of the costs associated with the design, installation and upgrades of utility infrastructure necessary to meet increased demands of people utilizing improvements upon the infrastructure of the system. UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE includes all water and sewer mains, interceptors, lift stations, pumping stations, elevated and ground storage facilities, booster station treatment capacity and other capital appurtenances necessary for the continued effective functioning of the county water and sewer systems. A “capacity fee” is often referred to as an “impact fee.”
   COMBINED UTILITY SYSTEM. The county water distribution and sanitary sewer collection systems.
   EXTENSION. The lengthening of any potable water distribution system or sanitary sewer collection system piping required to connect a water service to the water distribution system, or a sewer service to the sanitary sewer collection system.
   FEASIBLE PROJECT. A project in which (standard county service connection) fees collected will pay for the total cost of the extension requested.
   METER SET FEE. A fee paid by customers designed to recuperate the costs for representatives of the York County Water and Sewer Department (YCWSD) to purchase a water meter, transport it to the project site, physically install it in the meter box, and restore or “turn on” water service to the customer's site. The METER SET FEE does not include providing and setting the meter box or mounting yoke. The METER SET FEE is typically charged to new developments, where the actual service connections, service lines and meter boxes, yokes and the like are installed and paid for by parties other than the YCWSD. The METER SET FEE may also be applicable if the service connections, lines, meter boxes and the like are installed and paid for by parties other than the county.
   OUTFALL. Any sewer pipe eight inches or larger in diameter that has been installed to serve a drainage basin. OUTFALL sewers generally consist of piping eight inches in diameter or larger. OUTFALL piping must be located and sized to accommodate anticipated flows from the drainage basin being served. Anticipated flows shall be calculated for total build-out of the drainage basin, as determined by current zoning district boundaries and regulations (or as directed by the county engineer). OUTFALL piping must be sized, based on the following criteria (unless otherwise approved by the county engineer):
      •   For piping 12 inches in diameter and smaller, OUTFALL piping shall be designed to flow one-half full;
      •   For piping larger than 12 inches in diameter, OUTFALL piping shall be designed to flow three-quarters full.
   REVENUE. All monies collected for the sale of water and/or sewer service charges.
   SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION. The piping that connects the sanitary sewer outfall pipe to a customer’s discharge pipe. The service connection (oftentimes called a “lateral”) is typically recognized as the piping within the public rights-of-way or easement line.
   TAP FEE. A charge assessed to applicants for water and sewer service connections performed by YCWSD, and designed to recover the cost incurred by the county for making the physical tie to the existing water or sewer piping. WATER LINE TAPS include installing the tapping saddle or sleeve, tapping valve or corporation stop, physically making the water service connection, providing and installing the service piping, providing and installing the meter box, yoke, and other necessary work and materials to the customer's property line (or easement line). The WATER TAP FEE does not include the setting of the meter or the cost of the meter set fee. As with the water tap fee, the SEWER TAP FEE covers the expenses incurred by the county to provide materials and labor necessary to make the physical tie to the existing sewer piping, whether it be a sanitary sewer force main or gravity sewer, and includes extending the service connection piping to the customer's property line (or easement line). A SEPARATE TAP FEE applies to connections to the water system piping, and connections to the sewer system piping, as provided in this section.
   WATER MAIN. Any water distribution system piping that provides potable water service to a customer. Water mains are typically two inches in diameter or larger, and they do not include a customer's individual service piping. Water mains are to be sized and located so that additional service connections beyond the limits of any associated development can be made with the system, maintaining minimum residual pressures and flows as required by the SCDHEC. Water main extensions are to be sized with consideration of current zoning district boundaries and regulations (or as directed by the county engineer).
   WATER SERVICE CONNECTION. The connection to a water main of a service line complete to the customer’s property line, right-of-way, or easement line. The WATER SERVICE CONNECTION shall include service piping, a meter, meter yoke, meter box, meter stop and any other required appurtenances.
   WATER SERVICE RECONNECTION. If water service has been discontinued for any reason, any customer desiring to reestablish water service to his or her property or structure shall be required to pay a reconnection fee, as established in the YCWSD rate schedule provided herein.
   WHEELING RATE. A transmission rate mechanism or charge for water transported through the county water system from a point of delivery meter of York County to another political subdivision of the state operating within York County. The rate will be applied following a rate study and the adoption of an intergovernmental agreement with the political subdivision receiving the transmitted water.
   YORK COUNTY SEWER SYSTEM. The sanitary sewer collection system owned and maintained by the county. The sewer system includes lines, manholes, valves, lift stations, and other associated appurtenances used in the collection of sewage within the county utility service boundaries.
   YORK COUNTY WATER SYSTEM. The water distribution system owned and maintained by the county. The water system includes lines, valves, hydrants, booster pump stations, and other associated appurtenances used in the distribution of potable water within the county utility service boundaries.
(‘77 Code, §7-51) (Ord. 1485, passed 10-7-85; Am. Ord. 6396, passed 12-16-96; Am. Ord. 5206, passed 12-18-06; Am. Ord. 3619, passed 9-3-19)