(A)   Each developer, individual, corporation, partnership or other entity undertaking development within the county's retail or wholesale service area shall submit an application for a connection to the county water and sewer combined utility system to the public works department, which shall, at a minimum, include:
      (1)   The name, address, telephone number, and taxpayer identification number of the applicant;
      (2)   A description of the size and nature of the connection or meter required to adequately provide water and/or sewer service to the proposed development or service unit;
      (3)   An estimate of when the connection to the county water or sewer system will be made;
      (4)   The name and address of the contractor, engineer, person or entity making the requested connection or requesting the meter;
      (5)   If requested by the county engineer, or his or her designee, plans and specifications for the connection; and
      (6)    The number of single-family equivalent service units to be served by the connection or meter.
   (B)   (1)   The developer, individual, corporation, partnership or other entity undertaking development shall pay the applicable capacity or impact fees imposed by this code, according to the fee schedules established herein, upon approval of the application, and no later than the final inspection of such development by appropriate county codes officials.
      (2)   In no event shall a certificate of occupancy be issued until all applicable water and sewer capacity or impact fees, meter set fees, tap fees, service deposits, private service fees, utility service agreement and related rates, fees and charges have been paid to the county and other applicable political subdivisions or entities.
(Ord. 5206, passed 12-18-06)