(A) There is hereby created and established the York County Information Technology Replacement Fund, which shall be administered, funded and disbursed as provided herein. Replacement rates for each inventory item shall be accrued in the fund on the basis of annual billings to each user department.
(B) The fund shall be the source of capital for all necessary replacements of inventory items. The fund shall not be used for the purchase of additional inventory items, item extras over technology standards, or upgrading inventory items other than for technology stabilization at replacement, all costs being a supplementary capital outlay responsibility of the user department. Subject to the exceptions contained herein, the fund shall be administered, and balanced as a separate single fund, rather than on a per item basis related to replacements of individual items. If, at the time of replacement of any item, a surplus or deficit exists in the replacement monies for that item, the surplus or deficit shall be reconciled within the fund. In order to minimize the need for reconciliation, and when necessary, to minimize their impact, the surpluses or losses shall be amortized over a six-year fiscal period. All inventory items, corresponding replacement rates, periods of utilization, and replacement costs will be logged into the fund status balance sheet for the purpose of assessing existing or projected surpluses or deficits over this period.
(C) Fund balances or deficits for any given year shall be determined on the basis of the following formula: FN=RRN+CN
(1) "FN" is the fund status in any given year;
(2) "RRN" is the cumulative accrued replacement monies for the inventory for that year; and
(3) "CN" is the cumulative estimated replacement cost for inventory items to be replaced that year.
(D) For the purpose of fiscal planning and management, fund surpluses or deficits shall be maintained within the following ranges:
(1) First three years of planning period: maximum allowable average yearly deficit of 5% of estimated cumulative replacement costs; maximum allowable average yearly surplus plus 5% of estimated cumulative replacement costs;
(2) Last three years of planning period: maximum allowable average yearly surplus or deficit plus or minus 5% of estimated cumulative replacement costs.
(E) If the project fund balance falls outside of these ranges, the county manager shall recommend to the County Council that adjustments in the fund be made through either:
(1) An overall adjustment upward or downward in annual replacement rates for either the entire inventory or a given category of inventory items; or
(2) A monetary supplement or deduction from the fund.
(F) Authorization to transfer funds. The county treasurer is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to transfer funds from the General Fund to the Information Technology Replacement Fund in the sum as provided by Council in order to provide initial funding for the county Information Technology Replacement Fund. The county Information Technology Replacement Fund shall be administered, invested and disbursed as provided in this section.
(G) County treasurer's authority. The county treasurer shall hold, administer, invest and reinvest all funds transferred to the Information Technology Replacement Fund as a fund separate from all monies or accounts held by the county; provided, however, that all funds deposited or accruing to the account of the county Information Technology Replacement Fund may be invested jointly with other county funds to obtain the optimum return on the funds. The county treasurer shall have all powers and authority to invest and reinvest movies, funds or assets transferred to the Information Technology Replacement Fund as are generally conferred upon county treasurers by statute, law, ordinance or properly promulgated rule or regulation.
(H) Authorization to transfer equipment. The county purchasing director is hereby authorized to transfer information technology assets from their existing department to another department.
(Ord. 2403, passed 9-2-03)