(A)   The Council shall be comprised of six standing committees as set forth below and other special committees as may be appointed from time to time by the chairperson with the consent of two additional members of the Council. Each standing committee shall consist of three members of the Council.
   (B)   The chairperson of the Council shall, within ten days after the first regular meeting of the Council in January, or as soon thereafter as practicable, with the approval of three additional members of the Council, appoint the standing committees of the Council. The chairperson shall also appoint a member of each committee to serve as its chairperson; but no member of the Council shall be appointed as chairperson of more than one standing committee.
   (C)   Members of standing committees shall serve for a term of two years unless removed from the committee by the chairperson with the consent of the member.
   (D)   The chairperson of the Council shall be a member of all standing committees, ex-officio. The chairperson may be designated a member of any standing committee other than ex-officio member. The chairperson of the Council shall not be counted toward the determination of a quorum nor be entitled to vote on any committee of which the chairperson is only an ex-officio member. On all committees of which the chairperson is designated a member other than by being an ex-officio member, the chairperson shall be counted toward determining a quorum and be entitled to vote on all matters coming before the committee.
   (E)   Standing committees and matters over which they have jurisdiction are as follows:
      (1)   Committee on Finance and Operations. The Council Committee on Finance and Operations shall have jurisdiction over the assessment and taxation of property; county appropriations and expenditures; budgeting and accounting methods and procedures; county bonds and indebtedness; capital improvements and programming; administrative activities; government organization and structure; appointments to boards and commissions; personnel policies and procedures; purchasing; equipment maintenance; and other related matters.
      (2)   Committee on Economic Development. The Council Committee on Economic Development shall have jurisdiction over intergovernmental relations; licenses and business regulations; economic development and recruitment; infrastructure plans related to economic site development; technical education; governmental rules and regulations; and other related matters.
      (3)   Committee on Public Works. The Council Committee on Public Works shall have jurisdiction over county engineering; county public utilities, including water and sewer utilities; the maintenance of county roads; the acquisition and protection of rights-of-way for county roads and utilities; county buildings and grounds; county landfills and solid waste and convenience centers; animal control regulations and administration and county prison facilities.
      (4)   Committee on Justice and Public Safety. The Council Committee on Justice and Public Safety shall have jurisdiction over law enforcement; detention facilities; legislation and legal matters; courts; county public records; Council rules and regulations; county fire prevention and protection programs; county emergency services; and other related matters.
      (5)   Committee on Health and Environmental Protection. The Council Committee on Health and Environmental Protection shall have jurisdiction over health; welfare; county libraries; county museums; county historic and cultural activities; county parks and recreation; animals and wildlife; agricultural and forestry activities, matters and concerns; and other related matters.
      (6)   Committee on Planning and Zoning. The Council Committee on Zoning shall have jurisdiction over long-range planning and long range infrastructure planning; land use and land use regulations; housing and building codes; subdivision regulations; street names; stormwater management and sediment control; drainage and flood control; amendments to the text maps or regulations under the county zoning and development standards ordinance and code; matters relating to applications, requests and recommended actions on rezoning applications and proceedings related to rezonings; and other related matters.
(‘77 Code, § 2-29) (Ord. 4, passed 2-7-77; Am. Ord. 113, passed 3-7-83; Am. Ord. 991, passed 4-1-91; Am. Ord. 595, passed 1-16-95; Am. Ord. 622, passed 2-7-22)