(A) Limitations may be expressed in terms of mass and/or concentration as deemed appropriate by the POTW.
(B) No user shall discharge wastewater except in accordance with a permit or authorization.
(C) The federal categorical pretreatment standards may establish limits for various parameters. Any user subject to these federal standards will be required to meet the established limits through a permit issued by the POTW. In addition, the POTW may limit the discharge of other specific substances on a case-by-case basis, if the discharge of that substance would interfere with the proper function of the sewer collection system, contaminate sludge, pose a nuisance or health risk to employees or neighbors of the POTW, or violate any receiving stream water quality standard.
Typical Domestic Waste Characteristics
Parameter Concentrations (mg/1)
BOD 220.000
TSS 220.000
Arsenic 0.003
Cadmium 0.003
Chromium (total) 0.023
Copper 0.061
Cyanide 0.041
Mercury 0.0003
TSS 220.000
Arsenic 0.003
Cadmium 0.003
Chromium (total) 0.023
Copper 0.061
Cyanide 0.041
Mercury 0.0003
Typical Domestic Waste Characteristics
Parameter Concentrations (mg/1)
Lead 0.065
Nickel 0.021
Silver 0.005
Zinc 0.0175
pH 6.0 - 10.0
Nickel 0.021
Silver 0.005
Zinc 0.0175
pH 6.0 - 10.0
(D) Higher concentrations of BOD, TSS and oil and grease may be allowed in the industrial user's permit or authorization, but compliance with the provisions of the POTW's sewer surcharge for treatment of high strength wastewater is required.
(‘77 Code, § 7-107) (Ord. 1585, passed 10-21-85; Am. Ord. 102, passed 1-21-02)