All county elected officials, county employees and county agencies, boards, commissions and departments shall provide written notice to the county manager and the county treasurer of the opening, transfer and closing of any account containing county funds or funds held in an official or administrative capacity by the elected official, employee, agency, board, commission or department within ten days after the account is opened, transferred or closed at a financial institution. The notice shall include the date the account was opened, transferred or closed; the amount of each account; the nature and source of the funds deposited or withdrawn from the account; the name of the financial institution at which the account was opened, transferred or closed; the account number of the account; the name and address of every person having authority to make deposits, write checks or make withdrawals from the account; and the reason the account was opened, transferred or closed.
(‘77 Code, § 8-99) (Ord. 2095, passed 4-17-95)