(A)   The illegal manufacture, distribution, possession or use of narcotics, drugs or other controlled substances is strictly prohibited on county premises.
   (B)   The violation of § 33.090(A) by any county employee will result in immediate discipline up to and including discharge.
   (C)   County employees will be given a copy of the York County Drug-Free Workplace Policy attached to Ordinance No. 6189 as “Exhibit A,” which policy is hereby adopted, and county employees will be required to sign a form acknowledging its receipt. By continuing to work, each county employee agrees that he or she will abide by the policy as a condition of employment. Failure to sign the form or abide by the policy will result in discipline up to and including discharge.
   (D)   As a condition of employment, county employees agree to notify the Human Resources Department within five calendar days after any criminal conviction for the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of narcotics, drugs or other controlled substances at the workplace. Criminal conviction means a finding of guilt, imposition of a sentence, a plea of no contest or a plea of guilty.
   (E)   The county shall notify all federal contracting agencies or contractors of the conviction within ten days after receiving notice of the conviction.
   (F)   Law enforcement authorities will be notified whenever illegal drugs are found in the workplace.
(‘77 Code, § 13-82) (Ord. 6189, passed 12-4-89; Am. Ord. 3918, passed 8-20-18)