A.   Reduction Of Lot Or Parcel: No lot or parcel shall be so reduced in area so as to be less in any dimension than is required by the regulations applicable to the land use district in which it is located.
   B.   Use Of Required Area: No portion of any lot or parcel which is part of required area for one building shall be used as a part of a required area for any other building. When a portion of any lot or parcel is sold or transferred and the area of that portion or the portion remaining no longer conforms to the required area, as defined in the respective land use district, the portion sold and the portion remaining shall be considered as one parcel only in determining the allowable number and location of buildings on both parcels.
   C.   Minimum Requirements: The minimum square footage requirements of this title are in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements of the uniform building code. (1973 Code § 17.24.020)