A.   Contents: It is unlawful for anyone to discharge the contents of any septic tank, cesspool or chemical toilet into the sewer system of the city except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. (1973 Code § 13.40.170)
   B.   Notice Of Services: Any licensed septic tank servicing business shall notify the department, on a quarterly basis, of those septic tanks within the incorporated areas of the city that were serviced during the previous quarter. (1973 Code § 13.40.175)
   C.   Designation Of Places And Manner Of Discharge: The department may designate, in writing, the particular points where the contents of septic tanks, cesspools or chemical toilets can be discharged into the sewer system, and the manner in which said contents shall be discharged. No matter prohibited from sewers by this chapter shall be permitted to be so discharged. (1973 Code § 13.40.180)