6-12-2: RIDING:
   A.   Number Of Persons: No person shall carry upon any bicycle upon any street, highway or alley, a number of persons greater than that for which such bicycle is designed and equipped. (1973 Code § 10.60.020)
   B.   Right Side Of Roadway: Every person operating a bicycle upon a street, highway or alley shall ride as near to the right-hand side of the roadway as practicable and shall exercise due care when passing a standing vehicle or a vehicle proceeding in the same direction. (1973 Code § 10.60.030)
   C.   Sidewalks: It is unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk located along the following street within the city:
      Main Street between Bridge Street and Goldfield Avenue.
No use of any sidewalk shall impair the right of way of a pedestrian. (1973 Code § 10.60.040)
   D.   More Than Two Abreast: No persons shall operate bicycles upon any street, highway or alley in a group of more than two (2) bicycles abreast of one another. (1973 Code § 10.60.050)