   (a)   Inspections. The Fire & EMS Chief, his designee, and/or a City Fire Safety Inspector are authorized and directed to make inspections to determine the condition of all buildings and/or structures located within the City in order to perform the duty of safeguarding the health, safety and welfare of the occupants of buildings and/or structures and the general public, as outlined in the Fire Code or as otherwise required under Chapter 1602 or 1604 of this Title Sixteen.
   (b)   Right of Entry. The owner or occupant of every commercial or industrial building or structure, or person in charge thereof, shall give the Fire & EMS Chief, his designee, and/or a City Fire Safety Inspector free access thereto, at any time during normal working hours, for the purpose of such inspection, examination or survey upon presentation of proper identification.
   (c)   Administrative Search Warrant. If any owner or occupant of a commercial or industrial building or structure, or the authorized agent thereof, refuses to permit free access or entry into such building or structure or any part thereof, to which an inspection authorized by the Fire Code or by this Chapter, is sought to be made, the Fire & EMS Chief, his designee, and/or City Fire Safety Inspector shall petition and obtain a warrant to inspect or an order from a court of competent jurisdiction directing compliance with the inspection requirements of the Fire Code or of this Chapter.
   (d)   Repairs. Every occupancy of a commercial or industrial building or structure shall give the owner of such building or structure, or the authorized agent(s) or employee(s) thereof, access to any part of such building or structure, or the premises thereof, at any time during normal working hours, for the purpose of making such repairs or alterations as are determined necessary to effect compliance with this Code or with any lawful rule or regulation adopted or order issued pursuant to this Code.
(Ord. 2020-03. Adopted 02/27/20)
   The Public Safety Director, in consultation with the Fire & EMS Chief, is hereby authorized to establish, by Administrative Directive, a program for offices and smaller commercial and industrial use buildings and structures whereby the owners or occupants of such buildings or structures may self-inspect regarding any inspection requirements of the Fire Code and report the results of such inspections to the City's Fire & EMS Division, on forms provided by the Fire & EMS Division on an annual basis. Any such program established shall include guidelines and requirements for the Fire & EMS Division to perform audits on such submitted reports. Any such program established may also include fees to cover the administrative costs to the City's Fire & EMS Division of administering the program.
(Ord. 2020-03. Adopted 02/27/20)
   New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of four inches (4"/101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of one-half inch (0.5"/12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure.
Source: Ohio Fire Code Section 505.1
(Ord. 2020-03. Adopted 02/27/20)
   In addition to the requirements of the Fire Code, for large buildings or complexes, whether or not such structures contain multiple tenants, the City Fire Safety Inspector may require that exterior windows and doors be labeled to help facilitate building identification. These numbers/letters shall contrast with their background and shall be of sufficient size, as approved by the City's Fire Safety Inspector.
(Ord. 13-40. Adopted 07/25/13; Ord. 2020-03. Adopted 02/27/20)
   (a)   New Systems. Upon the installation, repair, or alteration of a fire suppression system requiring the issuance of a permit, the owner, occupant or person responsible for such work will post a complete copy of the final approved plans at the work site in a protective/mounted shield at a location approved by the City's Fire Safety Inspector.
   (b)   Riser Identification. Sprinkler and/or standpipe systems containing more than one (1) riser will have the risers/zones marked on the riser in a location approved by the City's Fire Safety Inspector.
   (c)   Tags. A tag shall be used to indicate that a system, or portion thereof, has been removed from service. The tag shall be posted at each Fire & EMS Division connection, system control valve, fire alarm control unit, fire alarm annunciator and fire command center, indicating which system, or part thereof, has been removed from service. The City's Fire Safety Inspector shall specify where the tag is to be placed.
(Ord. 13-40. Adopted 07/25/13; Ord. 2020-03. Adopted 02/27/20)