241.08   SPECIAL DUTY.
   (a)   Special Duty Agreements. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into written agreements with public or private organizations or businesses for the assignment of police officers to special police duty with those organizations where, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, this duty serves the purpose of public safety, traffic control or the public welfare. The written agreements shall be approved by the Law Director, and shall contain, among others, the following provisions:
      (1)   The police officer shall be specifically assigned to duty by and under the control of the Chief of Police, and shall at all times be considered as being on official police duty;
      (2)   The police officer may or may not be in full uniform, depending upon the nature of the assignment;
      (3)   The organization or business shall pay the City for the police officer(s) performing the special duty at a rate not lower than the police officer(s)' pay rates as established by the officer's applicable collective bargaining agreement;
      (4)   The organization or business shall reimburse the City for any damages or loss to City property or equipment that is incurred as a result of the special duty;
      (5)   The duties shall be restricted to the limits of the City, unless the special duty is requested by another police agency; and
      (6)   The City will agree to furnish manpower only to the extent of its availability.
(Ord. 2022-28. Adopted 08/25/22)