A.   Vacancies. The office of a member of Council, including the Mayor, shall be deemed vacant upon the death, resignation, disqualification, judicial determination of mental incompetence, or removal from office, in the manner authorized by this Charter, of the person holding such office.
   B.   Filling a Vacancy.
      (1)   When the office of a member of the Council, including the Mayor, becomes vacant and thirty (30) months or less of that office’s term remains, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Council by appointment of a qualified person as a member of the Council.
      (2)   When the office of a member of the Council, including the Mayor, becomes vacant and more than thirty (30) months of that office’s term remains, a qualified person shall be appointed by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Council to serve until midnight of the first day of January following the next regular municipal election, and at the next regular municipal election, a qualified person shall be elected to serve the remainder of the unexpired term, commencing at one minute after midnight on the first day of January following his or her election.
      (3)   In the event the Council fails to fill a vacancy as provided in this section within sixty (60) days from the date the vacancy was created, then said vacancy shall immediately be filled by the appointment of a qualified person as a member of the Council by the presiding judge of the municipal court having territorial jurisdiction within the City.
   C.   Quorum. Notwithstanding the requirements of Section 4.11 B., if at any time the membership of the Council, including the Mayor, is reduced to less than four (4) members, a majority of the remaining members shall constitute a quorum solely for the purpose of appointing, by a majority vote of the remaining members, additional Council members to raise the membership to at least four (4) members.