Income Tax
181.01   Authority to levy tax.
181.02   Purpose.
181.03   Definitions.
181.04   Imposition of tax.
181.05   Effective period.
181.06   Taxes paid to other municipalities.
181.07   Collection at source.
181.08   Declarations.
181.09   Returns and payment of tax.
181.10   Duties of the Tax Administrator.
181.11   Investigative power of the Tax Administrator; identification information; penalty for divulging confidential information.
181.12   Interest and penalties.
181.13   Collection of unpaid taxes and refunds of overpayments.
181.14   Violations.
181.15   Board of Review.
181.16   Allocation of funds.
181.17   Extension of effective period.
181.18   Saving clause.
181.19   Penalty.
181.20   Filing net profit taxes; election to be subject to provisions of chapter.
181.21   Definitions.
181.22   Applicability; taxable situs; apportionment.
181.23   Information provided to Tax Administrator; confidentiality.
181.24   Filing of annual return; remittance; disposition of funds.
181.25   Electronic filing.
181.26   Consolidated returns.
181.27   Failure to pay tax.
181.28   Declaration of estimated taxes.
181.29   Additional penalties.
181.30   Assessments against taxpayer.
181.31   Refund applications.
181.32   Amended returns.
181.33   Examination of records and other documents and persons.
181.34   Credits.
181.35   Reckless violations; penalties.
Payroll deductions - see Ohio R.C. 9.42
Municipal income taxes - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 718
Rental occupancy reports - see ADM. 135.03
   (a)   The tax on income and the withholding tax established by this Chapter 181 are authorized by Article XVIII, Section 3 of the Ohio Constitution. The tax on income and the withholding tax established by this Chapter 181 are deemed to be levied in accordance with, and to be consistent with, the provisions and limitations of Chapter 718 of the Ohio Revised Code ("ORC 718"). This Chapter is deemed to incorporate the provisions of ORC 718.
   (b)   The tax is an annual tax levied on the income of every person residing in or earning or receiving income in the City of Wyoming ("City"), and shall be measured by municipal taxable income. The City shall tax income at a uniform rate. The tax is levied on City of Wyoming Taxable Income, as defined herein.
(Ord. 01-2018. Passed 2-26-18.)