(a) The membership of the Economic Development Commission shall consist of a cross section of citizens of the City that have backgrounds in areas such as City planning, property development, real estate, law, finance, business ownership and management. The membership of the Economic Development Commission shall consist of eleven residents, including a member of City Council, a member of the Planning Commission, a representative from Wyoming City Schools, and a member from the Promote Wyoming Commission. All members, with the exception of the City Council representative, the Planning Commission representative, the Promote Wyoming Commission representative, and the Wyoming City School representative shall serve for staggered four year terms.
(b) At all times there shall be a City Council member and a member of the Planning Commission on the Economic Development Commission; however, their terms of office shall not exceed their terms of office on City Council or on the Planning Commission.
(c) The Economic Development Commission shall select on a yearly basis a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall not be City Council or Planning Commission members.
(Ord. 23-2014. Passed 12-15-14.)