(a)   Front Yard.
      (1)    The front yard setback for new residences and for additions and alterations that expand the footprint of an existing residence, shall not be less than the average of the front yard setback of the residences on the adjoining lots. For purposes of determining the required front yard setbacks in accordance with these Area Regulations, an Adjoining Lot shall mean an Interior Lot, a Double Frontage Lot, or a Corner Lot all as defined in Chapter 1103, that abuts the side of the subject property.
         A.   When the strip of ground that primarily serves as the means of ingress and egress to a Panhandle Lot, as defined in Chapter 1103, is located adjacent to an Interior Lot, Double Frontage Lot, or Corner Lot, the front yard setback of such Panhandle Lot shall not be used when calculating the required front yard setback of such Interior Lot, Double Frontage Lot, or Corner Lot and the front yard setback shall be established by averaging the front yard setbacks of the next Interior Lot, Double Frontage Lot, or Corner Lot on each side of the subject lot.
      (2)    Except as provided for in Section 1153.04(a)(1)A. above, in cases where there is no residence constructed on the lot adjoining the residence being built, added to or altered, the front yard setback of such vacant lot shall be considered to be 50'.
          (3)    On Double Frontage Lots, the required front yard shall be provided on both streets.
            (4)    Where a new home is constructed or where an existing home is added to or altered on a Corner Lot, there shall be a front yard on each street side of such Corner Lot, the remaining two yards being considered side yards. Neither front yard setback shall be less than the front yard setback of the residence on the adjoining lot fronting the same street.
            (5)    In no case shall the front yard setback be required to exceed 75'.
              (6)    The front yard setback for new residences and for additions and alterations that expand the footprint of an existing residence on Panhandle Lots shall not be less than 50'. The averaging requirements of these Area Regulations shall not apply to Panhandle Lots. The front setback for a panhandle lot shall be measured from the front lot line as defined in Chapter 1103 (Lot Line, Front).
            (7)    No accessory building shall project beyond the front building line of any home nor otherwise be closer to the front property line than specified in Section 1153.02 (f), whichever is more restrictive.
         (Ord. 15-2022. Passed 10-17-22.)
   (b)   Side Yard. Except as hereinafter provided in Chapter 1181, one story elements of the main building shall maintain a minimum side yard setback of not less than ten feet and two story elements of the main building shall maintain a minimum side yard setback of not less than fifteen feet. (Ord. 18-2000. Passed 8-21-00.)
      (1)   The side yard setback of a first story wall shall be required to meet the setback of a two story element of a building if any of the following conditions apply:
         A.   Where the height of the top plate on which the rafters or trusses sit exceed 14' above grade.
         B.   Where the coping on the top of a wall or parapet exceeds 14' above grade.
         C.   Where the ridgeline of a roof exceeds 20' above grade when the gable end of the roof is oriented towards the side lot line.
            (Ord. 10-2014. Passed 7-21-14.)
   (c)   Rear Yard. Except as hereinafter provided in Chapter 1181, one story elements of the main building shall maintain a minimum rear yard setback of not less than thirty feet and two story elements of the main building shall maintain a minimum rear yard setback of not less than forty feet. (Ord. 18-2000. Passed 8-21-00.)
   (d)   Intensity of Use of Lot. Every lot in the AAA Single-Family Residence District shall have an area of not less than 20,000 square feet. In the AA Single-Family Residence District every lot shall have an area of not less than 12,000 square feet. In both the AAA and AA Districts every lot shall have an average width of not less than one-half the average depth provided that a lot shall not be required to have a width greater than 100 feet.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)