(a)   Except as provided for in Section 1151.06 (b) hereof, every single-family residence or accessory garage, carport, or other building, structure, or paved area that is or is intended to store, house, or otherwise park a motor vehicle in or on, and that is constructed after the effective date of this Section, shall have its own driveway located entirely on the lot on which the residence is located, which driveway shall be permanently surfaced.
   (b)   Any portion of a driveway in excess of 100' from the front property line or otherwise to the rear of the front building line, may be constructed of compacted gravel with a minimum thickness of five inches provided that any such gravel driveway shall be constructed and maintained to bear the weight and traffic of the vehicles entering and exiting such driveway. No gravel driveway shall be permitted unless adequate provisions are taken to ensure that the gravel will not wash off into the public rights-of-way or onto adjoining properties. Portions of existing driveways in excess of 100' from the front property line or to the rear of the front building line may be converted to gravel with the prior approval of the City Manager or his/her designee.
   (c)   The minimum width of a driveway that is installed, replaced, or otherwise altered after the effective date of this ordinance shall be not less than nine feet.
   (d)   The maximum width of any portion of a driveway that is located within the limits of a front yard and that is constructed after the effective date of this Section shall not be greater than 13' except as provided herein. If the driveway serves a multiple car front entry garage the width of the driveway surface may be increased to a dimension equal to the distance from, and extending two feet beyond, the outside edges of the garage doors provided that the width shall not exceed 25' unless such width is necessary to provide vehicular access to the front entry garage. Driveways within the limits of a front yard shall be designed for the primary purpose of facilitating the movement of vehicles to and from the approved parking area, garage, or carport which they serve and shall not create additional parking spaces in the front yard except as provided for in Section 1151.05.
   (e)   Circular driveways are permitted to be located within the limits of a front yard where the frontage of the lot is a minimum of 140 feet, where the residence maintains a minimum front yard setback of 110 feet, and where it would otherwise be necessary for a vehicle to back onto the roadway if it has previously been pulled into the driveway, provided that any such driveway shall be designed for purposes of facilitating the logical movement of vehicular traffic, that no such design shall provide for the parking of vehicles within the limits of any front yard area, and further that the total surface area of all pavement associated with the movement of vehicular traffic located in front of the front building line shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the yard area encompassed by the front building line, the front property line, and the side property lines.
   (f)   The width of the paved or approved unpaved driveway on the pan-handle portions of pan handle lots shall not exceed thirteen feet. Parking is permitted in the front yard of pan-handle lots provided that no such parking areas shall be permitted on the pan-handle portions of such lots. The section of the driveway located on the pan-handle portion of the lot from its intersection with the street to the main portion or body of the lot, shall be permanently surfaced to a point not less than one-hundred feet from the street line.
   (g)   Runner or ribbon type driveways are permitted provided that the minimum width from the outside edges of the ribbons is 9', the maximum dimension from the outside edges of the ribbons is 13', and the minimum width of the runners is 24".
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)