1101.01 Powers of Commission.
1101.02 Control of buildings; Building Code.
1101.03 Obtaining professional services; compensation.
1101.04 Zoning powers.
1101.05 Powers of City Council to determine uses.
1101.06 Powers of City Council to determine heights.
1101.07 Bulk and location powers of City Council.
1101.08 Basis for zoning districts; amendments or changes.
1101.09 Procedure for ordinances or amendments.
1101.10 Alternate member of Council.
Membership - see CHTR. Sec. 6.03
Powers and duties - see CHTR. Sec. 6.04
Removal of members - see CHTR. Sec. 11.03
Open meeting law - see ADM. Ch. 125
The Planning Commission shall have power to:
(a) Make plans and maps of the whole or any portion of the City, and of any land outside of the City, which, in the opinion of the Commission, bears relation to the planning of the City, and may make changes in such plans or maps when it deems same advisable.
(1) Such maps or plans shall show the Commission's recommendations for new streets, alleys, ways, viaducts, bridges, subways, parkways, parks, playgrounds or any other public grounds or public improvements; and the removal, relocation, widening or extension of such public works when existing.
(b) With a view to the systematic planning of the City, the Commission may make recommendations to the City Manager, City Council, and department heads concerning the location of streets, transportation and communication facilities, public buildings and grounds.
(c) Control, preserve, and care for historical landmarks; to control in the manner provided by ordinance the design and location of statuary, which are or may become the property of the City; and the removal, relocation, and alteration of any such works belonging to the City;
(d) Control the design of bridges, viaducts, street fixtures, and other public structures and appurtenances.
(1) Whenever the Commission shall have made a plan of the City, or any portion thereof, no public building, street, boulevard, parkway, park, playground, public ground, canal, bridge, viaduct, tunnel, utility (whether publicly or privately owned), or part thereof, shall be constructed in the City of such planned portion of the City until the location thereof shall be approved by the Commission; provided that in case of disapproval the Commission shall communicate its reasons for disapproval to City Council and City Council, by a vote of not less than a majority of its members shall have the power to overrule such disapproval.
The narrowing, ornamentation, vacation or change in the use of streets and other public ways, grounds, and places shall be subject to similar approval, and disapproval may be similarly overruled. The Commission may make recommendations to any public authority or to any corporations or individuals in such City or the territory contiguous thereto, concerning the location of any buildings, structures or works to be erected or constructed by them.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
(a) The Planning Commission shall control the height, design, and location of all buildings hereafter erected in the City.
(b) The Commission shall also recommend the adoption of a building code regulating the construction of buildings and other structures within the City and, from time to time, amendments thereto as required. (Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
(a) The Planning Commission shall have the power to control, appoint or employ such architects, engineers, and other professional service, and such clerks, draft-persons, and other subordinates as it shall deem necessary for the performance of its functions; the expenditures for such service and employments to be within the amounts appropriated for such persons by City Council; City Council shall provide for the expenses and accommodations necessary for the work of the Commission.
(b) Members of the Commission shall serve in that capacity without compensation.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
The Planning Commission shall have power to:
(a) Frame and adopt a plan or plans for dividing the City or any portion thereof into zones or districts, representing the recommendations of the Commission, in the interest of the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity or general welfare.
(b) Establish limitations or regulations of the height, the bulk and location, including, but not limited to, percentage of lot occupancy, setback building lines, and area and dimensions of yards, courts and other open spaces, and the uses of buildings and other structures, and of premises in such zones or districts. (Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
(a) Whenever the Planning Commission certifies to City Council any such plan for the districting or zoning of the City according to the uses of buildings and other structures and of premises, then City Council in the interest of the promotion of the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity or general welfare, may:
(1) Regulate and restrict the location of buildings and other structures and of premises and how they may be used for trade, industry, residence or other specified uses, and for such purposes divide the City into districts of such number, shape, and area as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this section.
A. For each of such districts, regulations may be imposed designating the kinds or classes of trades, industries, residences or other purposes for which buildings or other structures or premises may be permitted to be erected, altered or used subject to special regulations.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)
(a) Whenever the Planning Commission certifies to City Council any such plan for the districting or zoning of the City according to the height of buildings and other structures, then City Council, in the interest of the promotion of public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity or general welfare, may regulate and limit the height of buildings and other structures thereafter erected or altered and for such purposes divide the City into districts of such number, shape and area as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purpose of this section.
(1) Any regulation imposing a lower height limitation than may be provided by State statute shall, within the district for which it is imposed, prevail over the limitations provided by State statute.
(Ord. 12-2012. Passed 10-15-12.)