(A)   The City Clerk, upon receipt of an application for a license required by this chapter, and the reports and recommendations of the Police Chief, shall place such application upon the agenda for the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting; provided that, such meeting is not less than six days from the date of receipt of such application and reports and recommendations by the City Clerk. If it is less than six days from such receipt, such application and reports and recommendations shall be placed upon the agenda for the following meeting of City Council.
   (B)   The City Council shall determine whether or not such license shall be issued after reviewing the reports of investigations and inspections and the recommendations of the Police Chief and other code enforcement officers. The City Council shall direct the City Clerk to issue a tattoo license within 14 days unless it finds that:
      (1)   The correct license fee has not been tendered to the city or, in the case of a check or bank draft, such check or draft has not been honored with payment upon presentation;
      (2)   The operation, as proposed by the applicant, if permitted, would not comply with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the city’s building, fire, zoning and health ordinances;
      (3)   The applicant, if an individual; any of the stockholders holding more than 10% of the stock, any officer and any director, if a corporation; any partner, including a limited partner, if a partnership; and the manager or other person principally in charge of the operation of the business, has been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude (including, but not limited to, prostitution and pandering), gambling, extortion, fraud or criminal usury, unless such conviction occurred at least eight years prior to the date of the application;
      (4)   The applicant has knowingly made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of fact on the license application or any document required by the city in conjunction therewith;
      (5)   The applicant has had a tattoo parlor, or other similar permit or license denied, revoked or suspended for any of the causes set forth in division (B)(3) above by the city or any other state or local agency within eight years prior to the date of the application; and
      (6)   The applicant, if an individual; any officer or director, if a corporation; any partner, including a limited partner, if a partnership; and the manager or other person principally in charge of the operation of the business, is not over 18 years of age.
   (C)   If the City Council denies any application, it shall specify the particular grounds for such denial and shall direct the department of legal affairs to notify the applicant by regular mail addressed to the applicant at the address shown on the application. Such notice shall specify the grounds for which the application is denied.
(Prior Code, § 40-98) (Ord. 993, passed 6-5-1995; Ord. 1477, passed 6-17-2019)