(A)   Prior to the issuance of a license pursuant hereto, an inspection of the premises involved shall be made by the City Engineer and by the Chief of Police (or his or her designated representative) and the Chief of the Fire Department (or his or her designated representative), and their approval or disapproval noted on the application before consideration by the City Council. Before the City Engineer approves the same, he or she shall determine that the construction of the building involved is in full compliance with the Building Code and other pertinent city ordinances. The City Engineer shall also determine whether the proposed arcade complies with all requirements of Ch. 159 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Before the Chief of Police (or his or her designated representative) approves the same, he or she must determine that the applicant is providing sufficient traffic aids and regulations whereby the vehicular traffic shall not constitute a nuisance or danger. The Police Department shall make a traffic study and also determine whether sufficient parking spaces are provided for the proposed arcade pursuant to the state’s Motor Vehicle Code and the city’s traffic ordinances and traffic-control orders, zoning ordinances and directives of the Chief of Police (or his or her designated representative) as provided from time to time before approving the application.
   (C)   Before the Chief of the Fire Department (or his or her designated representative) approves the same, he or she must determine that all proposed mechanical amusement devices and all electrical equipment proposed to be used herein, comply with all applicable ordinances, codes, statutes, rules and regulations regulating the same.
   (D)   The application shall be rejected if the person conducting said investigation finds any violation of such codes, ordinances, statutes or rules and regulations.
(Prior Code, § 40-48) (Ord. 723, passed 2-22-1982; Ord. 1477, passed 6-17-2019)