(A)   Any person desiring a permit to conduct motion picture, television, radio and photographic production activities under the provisions of this subchapter shall make application on the appropriate form provided by the city, or by furnishing the required information in person or by first class mail, facsimile or the internet to the City Clerk’s office. The form must be signed and accompanied by all required fees, deposits, hold harmless agreements and insurance certificates required by this subchapter before it will be processed.
   (B)   The applicant for a permit required by this subchapter shall supply the following information on the application:
      (1)   The name, mailing address and phone number of the person making the application, along with the name and contact information for the location administrator. Where the person making the application is a partnership, corporation or other association, this information shall be provided for all partners, officers and directors or members;
      (2)   The address, legal description and proof of ownership of the site at which the proposed activity is to be conducted. Where ownership is not vested in the prospective permittee, he or she shall submit an affidavit from the owner indicating the owner’s consent to the use of the site for the proposed activity;
      (3)   A statement of the kind, character and type of proposed motion picture, television, radio and photographic production;
      (4)   The dates and hours during which the proposed motion picture, television, radio and photographic production is to be conducted;
      (5)   An estimate of the maximum number of attendants expected at the motion picture, television, radio and photographic production for each day it is conducted;
      (6)   Each application shall be accompanied by a fee, as follows:
         (a)   A processing fee in an amount established by resolution of the City Council to reimburse the city for the staff time required to evaluate the application and establish conditions of approval. The processing fee shall be waived for charitable and non-profit organizations which qualify under I.R.C. § 501(c)(3). The processing fee is non-refundable;
         (b)   A daily property use fee in an amount established by resolution of the City Council to compensate the city for the use of public property and its unavailability for ordinary and usual purposes resulting from the filming activity;
         (c)   A monitoring fee to reimburse the city for staff time required to monitor the filming activity, and for reasonable costs for other city services or equipment approved for use during such activities, in an amount as determined at the time of the city’s review of permit application; and
         (d)   The processing fee and the property use fee shall be waived for the following:
            1.   Productions conducted by a cable television company operating under a franchise granted by the city which are not conducted on public property, do not interfere with public rights-of-way, and which involve fewer than two motor vehicles;
            2.   Productions for wholly charitable or educational purposes and from which no profit is derived, either directly or indirectly; and
            3.   Student filming: productions directed or produced by a person currently enrolled in courses related to the production.
   (C)   Each application for a permit required by this subchapter shall be accompanied by a detailed explanation, including drawings and diagrams where applicable, of the prospective permittee’s plans to provide for the following:
      (1)   The size or area of the property to be used, including a sketch of the filming site showing placement of work trucks, location of production vehicles;
      (2)   Sketch of the “base camp” if any, showing any off-street locations for crew parking, honey wagon, catering and non-essential production vehicles;
      (3)   Traffic-control plan of the exact filming location, listing roads or lanes to be closed, if any;
      (4)   Description of the duration of the proposed activity and daily hours of operation;
      (5)   Facilities for clean-up and waste disposal;
      (6)   Letter of notification and signatures from businesses/neighborhoods impacted by filming if required by the City Clerk or his or her designee; and
      (7)   Insurance arrangements and coverage.
(Prior Code, § 8.2-3) (Ord. 1321, passed 2-8-2010)