(A)   A “Wyandotte Police Department Alarm Report” will be completed when Police Department members respond to an alarm.
   (B)   The alarm report will include the following information:
      (1)   Business or resident name;
      (2)   Address of the alarm site;
      (3)   Date and time of alarm;
      (4)   Type of alarm;
      (5)   Alarm company name and operator’s name or ID number;
      (6)   Alarm source;
      (7)   Weather conditions;
      (8)   Person receiving alarm notification;
      (9)   Assigned officers;
      (10)   Officer’s findings;
      (11)   Complaint number if applicable; and
      (12)   Notification of alarm status process. Alarm company employee or ID number, business owner/employee name, homeowner name, time of notification and telephone number of person contacted.
   (C)   The alarm report will indicate whether the alarm was a true alarm condition or a false alarm.
(Prior Code, § 2.1-5) (Ord. 1164, passed 3-3-2003)