For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DANGEROUS DOG. A dog that bites or attacks a person or causes a serious injury to a person or domestic animal, or a dog that bites or attacks and causes serious injury or death to another dog or domestic animal while the other dog or domestic animal is on the property or under the control of its owner. However, a DANGEROUS DOG does not include any of the following:
      (1)   A dog that bites or attacks a person who is knowingly trespassing on the property of the dog’s owner;
      (2)   A dog that bites or attacks a person who provokes or torments the dog; or
      (3)   A dog that is responding in a manner that an ordinary and reasonable person would conclude was designed to protect a person if that person is engaged in a lawful activity or is the subject of an assault.
   POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG. A dog that poses a threat to public safety as demonstrated by any of the following behaviors:
      (1)   Causing an injury to a person or domestic animal that is less severe than a serious injury;
      (2)   Without provocation, chasing or menacing a person or domestic animal in an aggressive manner; or
      (3)   Running at large and picked up or impounded by an animal control agency three or more times within any 12-month period.
(Prior Code, § 4-7) (Ord. 1370, passed 9-17-2012)