(A)   The Retirement Commission shall elect from its members a Chairperson and a Vice- Chairperson.
   (B)   The City Clerk, or his or her representative, shall be secretary of the retirement system.
   (C)   The City Treasurer shall be the treasurer of the retirement system and shall be the custodian of its assets.
   (D)   The City Attorney shall be legal advisor to the Commission.
   (E)   The Commission shall appoint an actuary who is a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and who shall be the technical advisor to the Commission on matters regarding the operation of the retirement system. The actuary shall perform such duties as are required of him or her under this subchapter.
   (F)   The Commission shall appoint as medical director a physician who is not a member, retirant or beneficiary of the retirement system and who has not filled an elective, appointive or salaried office in the city or county government within a period of five years. Service as an intern in any city, county or state hospital or sanitarium, or in any military body, shall not disqualify a physician for appointment as Medical Director. The Medical Director shall be responsible to and shall hold office at the pleasure of the Commission. The Medical Director shall:
      (1)   Arrange for the pass upon all medical examinations required under this subchapter;
      (2)   Investigate all essential statements and certificates of medical nature furnished by or on behalf of a member, retirant or beneficiary in connection with an application for disability or death benefits; and
      (3)   Report in writing to the Commission his or her conclusions on medical matters referred to him or her by the Commission.
   (G)   The Commission, subject to the approval of the Council, may employ such professional and other services as are required for the proper operation of the retirement system. The compensation for such services shall be fixed by the Commission, subject to approval by the Council.
(Prior Code, § 2-259) (Ord. 368, passed 9-25-1967)