§ 180.999 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person who shall violate a provision of this chapter or code shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, construct, alter or repair geothermal systems or private geothermal systems in violation of an approved plan, specification or directive of the code official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this chapter or code, shall be guilty of a municipal civil infraction. A defendant who is found responsible for an ordinance violation designated as a municipal civil infraction, whether by admission or by court determination, is subject to a civil fine not to exceed $500 per offense, plus court costs. Any subsequent violation of this chapter may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor with fines not exceeding $500 and/or 90 days in jail. Each day that the violation occurs constitutes a separate violation.
(Prior Code, § 9.1-8)
   (B)   Any person using any such geothermal system in the city right-of-way, without the authority of the operator of such system, for the purpose of using the renewable energy source or any violation of any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a municipal civil infraction. A defendant who is found responsible for an ordinance violation designated as a municipal civil infraction, whether by admission or by court determination, is subject to a civil fine not to exceed $500 per offense, plus court costs. Any subsequent violation of this chapter may be prosecuted as a misdemeanor with fines not exceeding $500 and/or 90 days in jail. Each day that the violation occurs constitutes a separate violation.
(Prior Code, § 9.1-9)
(Ord. 1337, passed 11-22-2010)