9-1-1: ADOPTION:
The Town of Wright, Wyoming, hereby adopts that certain publication known and designated as the 2018 edition of the International Building Code, including appendix chapters C, E, H, I and J, as the Building Code for the Town of Wright, Wyoming, for regulating and governing the conditions and maintenance of all property, buildings and structures by providing the standards for supplied utilities and facilities and other physical things and conditions essential to ensure that structures are safe, sanitary and fit for occupation and use; and the condemnation of buildings and structures unfit for human occupancy and use and the demolition of such structures as herein provided; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said Building Code on file in the Office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Wright and hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof, as if fully set out in this chapter, with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes, if any, prescribed in section 9-1-2 of this chapter. (Ord. 2019-04, 7-29-2019)
The following sections are hereby revised:
Section 101.1 Insert town of Wright as the name of the jurisdiction.
Section 105.2 Item 1 under Building: is hereby amended to read as follows:
      1.   One-story detached accessory structures used as tool and storage sheds, playhouses, and similar uses, provided the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet.
Section 1612.3 Delete the entire section.
Section 1802.2.2 is hereby amended to add the following exception:
Soil tests shall not be required for group U structures.
Section 1805 is hereby amended to add the following two exceptions:
      1.   A one story detached wood or metal frame building to be used as a private garage, not for human occupancy and not to exceed 1500 square feet, may be constructed with an approved monolithic foundation which is not required to extend below the frost line. Use and character shall conform to the requirements of a group U occupancy. Monolithic shall mean that the footer and slab are poured as one continuous pour.
      2.   Commercial buildings not used for human occupancy and used only for moderate hazard storage of combustible materials that are not classified as a group H occupancy may be constructed with a monolithic foundation which is not required to extend below the frost line, provided that the foundation is designed and stamped by a Wyoming professional engineer. Monolithic shall mean that the footer and slab are poured as one continuous pour.
Section 3410.2 Insert "the date of adoption of this ordinance" as the date required in this section.
(Ord. 2009-08, 8-10-2009)
Building permit fees are hereby established as follows:
   A.   Plan Review Fees, Permit Fees And Reinspection Fees:
      1.   Plan Review Fees:
Plans are required for one and two-family dwellings
No charge for plan reviews
First Commercial Plan review including Commercial Master Plans and additional plan review required by changes, additions, or revisions to approved plans, and all dwellings larger than one and two-family dwellings:
1st review
2nd review
3rd review
4th and any additional reviews
1,500.00 each
      2.   Building Permit Fees: The fee for each building permit including additions shall be as set forth in the following schedule:
Building Square Feet
   0 - 500
   500 - 1,000
   1,000 - 2,000
   2,000 - 5,000
   Over 5,000
$150.00 + $0.04 per sq. ft.
Permit Fee
Permit Fee
Signs (includes LED, not video)
Miscellaneous residential includes remodels, damage, repair or residing
Miscellaneous commercial includes remodels up to 500 sq. ft., for larger projects permits are based on the above chart
Storage building/garage
Fee is calculated according to the building square feet table above
$ 20.00
Fences over 6 ft. high
Retaining walls (greater than 4 ft. high, require engineered drawings)
Fire sprinkler systems - Fire Department performs the plan check and inspections
Grading Plan review fee and grading permit fee
Building demolition permits
Cell and other towers
Antenna co-locates
Temporary job trailers
Square Foot Fee
Permit Fee
Re-roof shingles and shakes (over 100 sq. ft. requires permit):
$0.005 per sq. ft.
Foundation Permit Fee
Foundation only
Foundation only - plumbing
Foundation only - electrical
Foundation only - mechanical
A building permit must be obtained to finish a basement; however, a building permit fee will be waived. Because the building square footage is charged in original plans and plumbing, and mechanical work is usually roughed-in in unfinished basements, permits are required to finish the plumbing and mechanical but there is no charge for those permits, unless there are special circumstances. For example, if the basement floor must be opened to install new plumbing drain lines or if a new hot water heater or a furnace is installed then a permit and fee will be required. A standard electrical permit is required with the standard fee for the addition of new electrical circuits as well as for electrical wiring and new outlets to finish a basement. Standard inspections from the Building Division will still be conducted and work must be in compliance with the code enforced by the Town of Wright.
      3.   Reinspection Fees: The first two (2) inspections for all work are free of charge. A sixty dollar ($60.00) fee will be assessed for each subsequent reinspection of the same type of work which is found to be incorrect after the second inspection. The reinspection fee must be paid to the Town of Wright before each reinspection can be scheduled.
      4.   Disaster Permits: Permits for repairs to a building or structure as the result of a natural disaster or accident as determined and approved by the building official shall be free of charge.
   B.   Electrical Permit Fees:
      1.   The fee for an electrical permit shall be computed in accordance with the following schedule. Fees are payable at the time of issuance of the electrical permit. The minimum fee for the issuance of an electrical permit is ten dollars ($10.00).
      2.   Electrical repair, temporary construction electrical service, MH and RV hook-up, (not on a privately-owned lot), services, change services, basement finish, additions, alterations, or repairs - circuits or sub-feeder (including circuit feed for sub- feeders) on either primary or secondary services are computed separately.
0 - 60 amp capacity
61 - 100 amp capacity
101 - 200 amp capacity
Each additional 100 amp capacity or fraction thereof
For each sub-panel
      3.   Residential and commercial electrical fees:
         a.   The maximum fee for single family residences on a privately- owned lot, as outlined by the International Residential Code, including, MHs, townhouses and patio houses is:
0 - 100 amp capacity
101 - 200 amp capacity
         b.   The maximum fee for commercial building is:
For commercial building including apartment buildings single phase service:
0 - 100 amp capacity
100 - 200 amp capacity
Each additional 100 amp capacity or fraction thereof
For each sub-panel
For commercial building including apartment buildings 3-phase service:
0 - 100 amp capacity
100 - 200 amp capacity
Each additional 100 amp capacity or fraction thereof
For each sub-panel
         c.   The maximum fee for a new mobile home park is ten dollars ($10.00) for each space for the first forty (40) spaces and five dollars ($5.00) per each additional space.
      4.   In addition to the foregoing a charge is made for special installations as follows in addition to a base charge of ten dollars ($10.00):
         a.   Each street lighting standard: One dollar ($1.00).
         b.   Each traffic signal standard: Two dollars ($2.00).
         c.   Each lighted sign: Ten dollars ($10.00).
      5.   Demolition of building - disconnect power service line: Ten dollars ($10.00).
   C.   Plumbing, Mechanical And Gas Pipefitting Permit Fees:
1. Plumbing permit fees:
Minimum permit fee
For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on 1 trap (including water, drainage piping, and backflow protection therefor)
For each water heater
For each industrial waste pre-treatment grease or sand-oil interceptor, including its trap and vent, excepting kitchen type grease, interceptors functioning as fixture traps
For installation, alteration or repair of water line
For each lawn sprinkler system and associated backflow protection devices
For water softeners or treatment systems
Plumbing repair (any type)
Sewer line installation and/or repair
Residential plumbing (new single-family construction) - interior
Demolition of building - cap off plumbing at street
2. Mechanical permit fees unit fee schedule:
Residential - new HVAC (includes up to 2 heating units, A/C unit, vents, ducts, bath fans, dryer vents, and fireplaces)
$15.00 per unit for each additional unit
Residential - replacement:
Installation of a furnace, woodstove or heating unit
$15.00 per unit
Installation of an air conditioning or cooling unit
15.00 per unit
Installation of a boiler unit
15.00 per unit
15.00 per unit
Commercial new or replacement:
Installation of a furnace, wood/coal stove, or heating unit
20.00 per unit
Installation of an air conditioning window unit or cooling unit
20.00 per unit
Installation of a boiler unit
20.00 per unit
Installation of a grease hood or exhaust hood
20.00 per unit
New construction or alteration of a commercial building HVAC (heating unit, venting, ducts, air conditioning unit, grease hood, bathroom fan, dryer vent)
75.00 flat fee
$20.00 per unit for each additional unit
Miscellaneous (major items not specified above)
$20.00 per unit
3. Gas pipefitting permit fees:
For each gas piping system of 1 to 4 outlets
For each gas piping system of 5 or more per outlet
(Ord. 2019-03, 6-24-2019)