In addition to the restrictions set forth in sections 7-2-2 through 7-2-5 of this chapter, from October 1 until May 1 of each year, parking on non-snow emergency routes shall be limited to the odd numbered sides of the street on odd numbered days and even numbered sides of the street on even numbered days to facilitate clearing the streets of snow. For purposes of this chapter, days shall be considered to be a twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at ten o’clock (10:00) A.M., and the day’s number shall be the day of the month on which the twenty-four (24) hour period begins. In the event of a Level II or Level III snow emergency, the provisions of section 7-2-2(B)(2) and (3) shall control, and no parking on the street will be allowed during such snow emergencies. (Ord. 2003-07, 1-26-2004; amd. Ord. 2023-01; 3-27-2023)