A.   Conditions For Declaring Level I, II, or III Snow Emergency:
      1.   Accumulation Of Two Inches Of Snow: A Level I, II, or III snow emergency shall be declared when the mayor or public works superintendent or his designee finds there is an accumulation of two inches (2") of snow with one, or both, of the following conditions:
         a.   Additional snow actually falling or anticipated as forecast by the national weather service in the next forty-eight (48) hour period.
         b.   Winds actually blowing or gusting or anticipated to do so by the national weather service with a velocity of twenty-five (25) miles per hour or more in the next forty-eight (48) hour period.
      2.   Weather Conditions Jeopardize Public Safety: If, in the opinion of the mayor or the public works superintendent or his designee, weather conditions will jeopardize public safety, a Level I, II, or III snow emergency may be declared at any time.
   B.   Snow Emergency Levels:
      1.   LEVEL I: A Level I snow emergency does not restrict travel; however, citizens should expect adverse road conditions, including but not limited to, icy roads, reduced visibility, and blowing and drifting snow. No person shall park or allow to remain parked any vehicle on any portion of a snow emergency route. During a Level I snow emergency all Town facilities remain open for business.
      2.   LEVEL II: A Level II snow emergency advises against non-emergency travel in the Town of Wright. Citizens driving during a Level II snow emergency may encounter roads which are impassable; and will likely interfere with snow and storm damage removal as well as emergency services. No person shall park or allow to remain parked any vehicle on any street. Town facilities may be closed at the discretion of the Mayor and or the Public Works Director during a Level II snow emergency. Although Town facilities may be closed, it is the responsibility of each citizen to determine whether their employer is open for business.
      3.   Level III: A Level III snow emergency results in the closing of streets to vehicular traffic and forbidding non-emergency driving. In the event of such a declaration, it shall be unlawful for anyone to drive on the streets of the town except in an emergency. No person shall park or allow to remain parked any vehicle on any street. All Town facilities are closed for business during a Level III snow emergency. (Ord. 98-7, 4-27-1998; amd. Ord. 2023-01; 3-27-2023)