Section 155.9.1 Off-Street Parking Requirements.
   There shall be provided at the time of the erection of any building, or at the time any principal building is enlarged or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, guest rooms, seats, or floor area, permanent off-street parking space in the amount specified by this section. Such parking space may be provided in a parking garage or properly graded open space that complies with the standards for parking established in this section. Certification of Minimum Parking Requirements. Each application for a building permit or certificate of zoning compliance submitted to the UDO Administrator as provided for in this Ordinance shall include information as to the location and dimensions of off-street parking and the means of entrance and exit to the space. This information shall be in sufficient detail to enable the UDO Administrator to determine whether or not the requirements of this section are met. In the case of mixed use developments, the total required off-street parking or loading space shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately except for as provided below.
   (A)   Up to one-half of the parking spaces required for one use in a mixed use development may be used to satisfy the parking requirements for a second use within the proposed development, subject to certification by the Board of Aldermen that such joint usage parking complies with the following provisions:
      (1)   The peak usage of the parking facility by one use will be at night or on Sundays and the peak usage of the parking facility by the second use will be at other times as provided in subsection; and
      (2)   The second use is ancillary to the first use, such as restaurants and meeting rooms to hotels and motels.
   (B)   Minimum parking requirements for a mixed use development may be reduced by the Board of Aldermen if a traffic/parking study is submitted to demonstrate and the Board of Aldermen finds that:
      (1)   Sidewalks, bicycle facilities, transit service, and transit amenities are in place such that together with the number of parking spaces that are proposed, transportation is adequately served or the commercial establishment(s) existing or previously existing on the subject property have historically utilized on-street public parking for a significant portion of customer parking and there is sufficient on-street public parking available within a 400-foot radius of the mixed-use development to meet the demand for the commercial component of the mixed-use development; and provided the commercial component of the mixed use in the proposed project is equal to and not less than 100% of the previous commercial use as determined by heated square footage; and
      (2)   Reduction of the minimum parking requirements will not be injurious to the general health, safety, and welfare. Combination of Required Parking Space. The required parking space for any number of separate uses may be combined in one lot but the required space assigned to one use may not be assigned to another use. However, one-half of the parking space required for churches, theaters, or assembly halls whose peak attendance will be at night or on Sundays may be assigned to a use which will be closed at night or on Sunday mornings until 12:00 noon. Bicycle Rack Requirements. For all parking lots containing 20 or more spaces, bicycle racks which accommodate at least five bicycles shall be installed. The final location of the bicycle rack shall be determined by the UDO Administrator or his/her designee.
1.   Parking lands shall be physically improved, landscaped, properly surfaced, marked, or otherwise designated and shall conform to the town standards as the parking area located on the lands on which the use is situated.
   (B)    Lighting. Any lighting shall be so arranged as to direct light and glare away from streets and adjacent property (see Article 155.9, Part III).
   (C)   Sidewalks. Paved sidewalks, per town specifications, shall be provided at the owner's expense.
   (D)   All parking lots shall observe the following yard requirements:
      (1)   Minimum front yard - five feet
      (2)   Corner lots, minimum side yard - five feet
   (E)   Bumpers. The required yards shall be set off from parking areas by one noncontinuous stationary bumper for each parking space abutting a yard; bumper shall be not less than five inches or more than 12 inches high.
   (F)   Separation of Bumper and Walkways. In the event any parking stall abuts a walkway, there shall be a space of 3.5 feet between the wheel bumper and the edge of the walkway.
   (G)   Drainage. Parking lots shall not drain onto or across public sidewalks or into adjacent property except into a drainage easement. Parking lots with 15 or more spaces shall require a six inch curb and gutter and/or best management practice low impact development (LID) system designed by a licensed landscape architect or professional engineer. In already developed areas where this condition would be impossible to meet, the Board of Aldermen, upon review and recommendation by the UDO Administrator, may exempt this requirement provided that adequate provision is made of drainage.
   (H)   Twenty-five percent of all parking spaces may be established as compact parking stalls. The dimensions for standard and compact parking stalls are outlined in subsection
   (I)   Paved parking areas shall have lines demarcating each parking space.
   (J)   On-street parking may be used to satisfy parking requirements on streets.
   (K)   Landscaping shall be provided as specified in Article 155.9, Part IV.
   (L)   Off-street parking areas shall be designed:
      (1)   To facilitate adequate movement and access by sanitation, emergency, and other public service vehicles.
      (2)   So that parked vehicles do not encroach upon, extend into, or cause vehicles to back into public rights-of-way, sidewalks, or strike against or damage any wall, vegetation, utility, or other structure.
   (M)   Larger lots (15 or more spaces) shall be broken up through the establishment of landscaped islands and buffers per the requirements of Article 155.9, Part IV.
   (N)   Off-street parking area shall be properly maintained in all respects. In particular, and without limiting the foregoing, off-street parking area surfaces shall be kept in good condition (free from potholes, etc.) and parking space lines or marking shall be kept clearly visible and distinct.
   (O)   Handicapped Parking Requirements
      (1)    Handicapped parking spaces shall be in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT), and NC Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) ADA requirements. All handicapped spaces shall be identified by pavement markings and appropriate signage approved by the NCDOT. Handicapped parking shall be required on all multi-family and non-residential sites.
      (2)   Handicapped parking spaces shall be located in closest proximity to major building entrances, but in no event shall such spaces be located more than 100 feet from a major building entrance.
      (3)   Handicapped parking spaces shall be a minimum of eight feet in width by 20 feet in length and shall have an adjacent access aisle that has a minimum width of five feet. Two accessible parking spaces may share a common access aisle.
      (4)   The minimum number of accessible spaces to be provided for all multi-family and nonresidential sites is as follows:
Total Number of Spaces in the Lot
Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces
Total Number of Spaces in the Lot
Minimum Number of Accessible Spaces
1 to 25
26 to 50
51 to 75
76 to 100
101 to 150
151 to 200
201 or more
7 plus one for every 100 spaces over 100
      (5)   The number of accessible spaces shall be in addition to those required by the minimum parking ratios.
      (6)   All spaces for the disabled shall have access to a curb-ramp or curb-cut when necessary to allow access to the building served, and shall be located so that users will not be compelled to wheel behind parked vehicles.
      (7)   Parallel parking spaces for the disabled shall be located either at the beginning or end of a block or adjacent to alley entrances. Elective curbs adjacent to such spaces shall be of a height which will not interfere with the opening and closing of motor vehicle doors.
      (8)   The first one out of every eight accessible parking spaces shall be a van accessible space. Van parking spaces shall have an adjacent access aisle a minimum of eight feet in width and a vertical clearance of at least eight feet along the vehicular route to the parking space. Off-Street Parking Requirements Per Land Use. No certificates of occupancy shall be issued for any units until the required number of parking spaces, with ingress and egress, are fully constructed. If any required parking spaces for units for which certificates of occupancy are requested are provided on noncontiguous parking lands, then all applicable provisions of subsection must be complied with. All such noncontiguous parking lands shall be fully constructed and dedicated by recorded lease agreement or memorandum of lease in accordance with all of the standards of this section before the certificates of occupancy shall be issued. If the lease agreement is terminated, then the special use permit or the permitted use becomes invalid. The following off-street parking space shall be required and shall conform to the standards contained in subsection
Required Off-Street Parking
Required Off-Street Parking
Determined by the number of toilet fixtures in the residence (single-family) or in the individual dwelling unit (duplex/multi-family) in accordance with the following:
Toilet         Parking spaces per dwelling unit
1-3               2
4-5               3
6-7               4
8 or more            5
Adult care home
One space per two beds.
Assisted living residence
One space per two bedrooms.
Auditoriums/meeting rooms and hotel or motel operated restaurants
One parking space for each four persons as stated on the maximum posted occupancy placard except that hotels and motels containing 50 or more rooms may be allowed to reduce this requirement by 50%.
Automobile service station
Three spaces per service bay, plus one space per wrecker or service vehicle and two spaces for each pump.
Barber shop
Two spaces per operator plus one space for each employee.
Beauty shop
Three spaces per operator plus one space for each employee.
Car washes
One space for each employee.
Child care center
One space per teacher or staff, plus space for one car drop off and pickup or stacking for one car per ten children, whichever is greater.
One parking space for each four seats in the sanctuary.
Dry cleaners or laundries
One space per four rental pieces of equipment.
Family care home
One space per four licensed beds.
Financial institution/bank
One space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
Fishing piers
A minimum of 25 parking spaces plus one additional space for each 175 square feet of gross floor area in pier house and other covered areas, plus one parking space for each two employees on the largest shift.
Home occupation
In addition to residence requirements, one parking space per 175 square feet of floor space devoted to the home occupation use.
Industrial uses
One parking space for each employee on the largest shift.
Library, museum, and art galleries
One space per 300 square feet.
Light construction/marina
One parking space per each two employees on the largest shift.
One parking space for each two slips in the marina plus one parking space for each six dry storage spaces.
Motels; hotels
One parking space for each room to be rented, 1.5 parking spaces for each two-room suite to be rented, two parking spaces for any suite above two rooms to be rented, plus one additional parking space for each two employees.
Multi-unit assisted living with services
One space per two bedrooms.
Nursing homes
One space per three beds, plus one space per staff doctor or practitioner.
Offices, professional businesses or public agencies
One parking space for each 225 square feet of gross floor area.
Public or private clubs
One parking space for each 100 square feet of gross floor space plus one parking space for each two employees.
Public or private indoor recreation facility, including community center
One space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area.
Residential child-care facility
One space for each staff member plus one space per five children.
Restaurants and places of entertainment
One parking space for each four persons as stated on the maximum posted occupancy placard plus one additional parking space for each two employees on the largest shift.
Retail uses not otherwise listed
One parking space for each 225 square feet of gross floor area.
Schools, public
One parking space for each classroom and administrative office.
Shopping center complex
5.5 parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
One parking space for each three seats in the auditorium.
Tourist and guest homes, including bed and breakfasts
One parking space for each room to be rented plus one additional parking space for each three employees.
Vessel for hire carrying seven or more passengers
One parking space for each two persons. The total required parking spaces shall be determined by dividing by two the number of persons that the vessel is permitted to carry based on the Certificate of Inspection issued for that vessel by the United States Coast Guard. In addition, there shall be required one parking space for each employee working on the vessel. Exception in Parking Requirements.
   (A)   Parking required for uses in districts zoned commercial or public or semi-public (G-1) may be provided within 400 feet of the main entrance to the principal use and located in any commercial zone if the required off-street parking cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot on which the principal use is located.
   (B)   If the off-street parking space required by this Ordinance for districts zoned residential cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot on which the principal use is located, such space may be provided on any land within 400 feet of the main entrance to, and within the same zone as, such principal use.
   (C)   The Board of Aldermen may grant an exception for off-street parking requirements in the C-1, C-2 or C-3 zoning districts after a finding by the Board of Aldermen that:
      (1)   The proposed use is directed primarily toward pedestrian trade existing in the area;
      (2)   The character of existing development or properties within 400 feet prohibit the acquisition of land for parking;
      (3)   The inability of the applicant to provide the required parking does not result from actions of the applicant;
      (4)   Granting the requested exception will not impair public safety or adversely impact adjacent property; and
      (5)   That one parking space for each two employees shall be provided. An exception to this requirement may be granted if the applicant can satisfy the Board of Aldermen that circumstances exist that prevent the applicant from providing the required parking space(s) for each two employees.
   (D)   Small parking lot exception. For purposes of this section, a "small parking lot" shall mean a parking lot in the C-3 Commercial District that is located immediately adjacent to an existing C-3 business, is used in conjunction with such business, and includes no more than a total of 12,000 square feet of parking area. Small parking lots meeting this definition shall be exempt from the following requirements.
      (1)   Minimum front yard setback set out in subsection
      (2)   The requirements set out in subsection
      (3)   Landscaping requirements (Type B Bufferyard screening only) set out in subsection
      (4)   Requirement that vehicles do not back into public rights-of-way as set out in subsection
      (5)   Minimum depth of street yards and minimum number of trees and shrubs set out in subsection
      (6)   Requirement for landscaped islands set out in subsection
      (7)   Requirement for Type A Bufferyard Screening set out in Section 155.9.18.
   (E)   Off-site parking lots in the Commercial District V Zoning District. Off-site parking lots shall be permitted in the Commercial District V zoning district on the condition that such parking lots comply with all of the following requirements:
      (1)   The improved surface of the parking lot (whether by asphalt or any other permitted surface) shall be no larger than 15,000 square feet and shall have marked and delineated spaces that meet all requirements of subsection The parking lot shall be surfaced with a material approved by the Town Manager. The parking lot shall meet all town storm water requirements.
      (2)   Any lighting used in conjunction with a parking lot shall be so arranged as to direct light and glare away from streets and adjacent property and shall comply with all the requirements of Part III of Article 155.9.
      (3)   All parking lots shall observe the following yard requirements:
         (a)   Minimum front yard - five feet.
         (b)   Corner lots, minimum side yard - five feet.
      (4)   In the event any parking stall abuts a walkway, there shall be a space of three and one-half feet between the wheel bumper and the edge of the walkway.
      (5)   Paved parking areas shall have lines demarcating each parking space.
      (6)   Off-street parking areas shall be designed:
         (a)   To facilitate adequate movement and access by sanitation, emergency, and other public service vehicles.
         (b)   So that parked vehicles do not encroach upon, extend into, or cause vehicles to back into public rights-of-way, sidewalks, or strike against or damage any wall, vegetation, utility, or other structure.
      (7)   Off-street parking area shall be properly maintained in all respects. In particular, and without limiting the foregoing, off-street parking area surfaces shall be kept in good condition (free from potholes, etc.) and parking space lines or marking shall be kept clearly visible and distinct.
      (8)   Accessible parking spaces shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT), NC Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) ADA requirements, the current version of the North Carolina Building Code and any other applicable federal, state, county or local laws, rules and regulations.
      (9)   Compliance with all requirements of subsection
      (10)   Compliance with all requirements of Part II Driveway Construction of Article 155.9. If access to the parking lot is across a roadway that is part of the state highway system and maintained by NCDOT all requirements for an encroachment agreement from NCDOT shall be complied with.
      (11)   Compliance with all requirements of Section 155.2.6. Off-Street Parking Access to Paved Street. No building or land use of any kind for which 75 or more off-street parking spaces are required under the terms of this section shall be permitted in any zoning district unless the lot on which the building or land use is located, adjoins and has access to a paved street, as defined in this Ordinance, having at least two paved lanes for traffic and one paved lane for parking. Where the street facility does not exist at the time a project of land use is proposed, the developer shall be required to provide such additional right-of-way as may be necessary for this purpose. Parking Space Arrangements and Dimensions.
   Parallel Parking
   a.   Length   23 feet
   b.    Width   7 feet 5 inches
   90 Degree Parking
   a.   Length    18 feet
   b.   Width    9 feet
   c.   Aisle Width   24 feet
   d.   Two Row
      Parking with
      Aisle   60 feet total
   Compact Cars
   e.   Length   16 feet
   f.   Width   8 feet
   60 Degree Parking
   a.   Length   20 feet 1 inch - measured from the end of striping perpendicular to the curb
   b.   Width   9 feet
   c.   One-Way Aisle   16 feet
      Two-Way Aisle   20 feet
   d.   Two Row Parking   56 feet 2 inches total
      with One-Way Aisle
      Two Row Parking   60 feet 2 inches total
      with Two-Way Aisle
   Compact Cars
   e.   Length      17 feet 6 inches - measured from the end of striping perpendicular to the curb
   f.   Width      8 feet
   45 Degree Parking
   a.   Length   19 feet, 1 inch - measured from the end of striping perpendicular to the curb
   b.   Width      9 feet
   c.   One-Way Aisle   15 feet
      Two-Way Aisle   20 feet
   d.   Two Row Parking   53 feet 2 inches total
      with One-Way Aisle
      Two Row Parking   58 feet 2 inches total
      with Two-Way Aisle
   Compact Cars
   e.   Length   16 feet, 6 inches - measured from the end of striping perpendicular to the curb
   f.   Width      8 feet
   30 Degree Parking
   a.   Length   15 feet, 11 inches - measured from the end of striping perpendicular to the curb
   b.   Width      9 feet
   c.   One-Way Aisle   14 feet
      Two-Way Aisle   19 feet
   d.   Two Row Parking   45 feet 10 inches total
      with One-Way Aisle
      Two Row Parking   50 feet 10 inches total
      with Two-Way Aisle
   Compact Cars
   e.   Length   14 feet, 6 inches - measured from the end of striping perpendicular to the curb
   f.   Width      8 feet
(Ord. 1695, passed 11-8-12; Am. Ord. 1716, passed 9- 12-13; Am. Ord. 1725, passed 3-19-14; Am. Ord. 1760, passed 5-12-16; Am. Ord. 1770, passed 12-14-17; Am. Ord. 1801, passed 7-9-20; Am. Ord. 1809, passed 10-8-20; Am. Ord. 1838, passed 3- 10-22)