The Department of Finance shall be under the direction of the Director of Finance who shall be accountable to the City Manager. He shall perform the following duties:
   (a)   Keep in proper books a full and accurate account of all the moneys received and disbursed by him on behalf of the City as well as all outstanding sums due the City and all orders and contracts upon which the City is obligated.
   (b)   Receive and have custody of all moneys paid to the City and to disburse City moneys in accordance with the City Charter and ordinances.
   (c)   Render regular reports to Council reflecting the financial condition of the City.
   (d)   Certify that funds are available according to law to pay all contracts, agreements or other obligations for the expenditure of public funds entered into by any official of the City government, and no such contract, agreement or other obligation shall be valid until so certified by him.
   (e)   Keep an accurate account of the bonded debt of the City and of the payment of interest and principal thereon.
   (f)   Prepare the City payroll.
   (g)   Administer all employee benefit funds.
   (h)   Prepare and submit such reports as may be required by law.
   (i)   Assist the City Manager in preparing the preliminary drafts of the annual budget.
   (j)   Compile bond transcripts and notes.
   (k)   Perform such other duties as may be required by the City Manager.
      (Ord. 90-64. Passed 10-12-64.)
   (l)   Serve as the Income Tax Administrator unless otherwise provided by ordinance. (A.O.)
   (m)   Examine and account for the funds of those community organizations receiving moneys directly from the General Fund on an annual basis not later than the end of the fiscal year of each community organization.
      (Ord. 126-92. Passed 1-11-93.)