(a)   “Sign” means any device, structure, material or combination of these intended to advertise or draw attention to such items as business names, organization names, real estate, buildings or structures, products, services or entertainment.
   (b)   All signs shall be reasonably maintained.
   (c)   No sign shall interfere with vehicular or pedestrian safety in any manner.
   (d)   “Business flags” displaying the corporate or business emblem or seal, may be displayed if flown on a vertical staff or pole and in conjunction with the national flag. There shall be no more than one per parcel. Such business flags shall be flown on the same staff or pole and below the national flag or on a separate staff or pole at a lower level than the national flag if such separate staff or pole is not in front of the national flag. The business flag shall not be larger than the national flag and in no instance exceed three feet in width or five feet in length. The business flags shall not display a product and shall contain no advertising copy. Business flags are excluded in the computation of sign area.
   (e)   “Changeable copy” signs are prohibited except as follows:
      (1)   “Bulletin Boards” for public and semi-public uses are permitted with changeable copy not exceeding fifteen square feet used to identify events. Bulletin Boards shall not be internally illuminated.
      (2)   Gasoline service stations and gasoline/convenience store stations whose principal business is the sale of motor fuel may display one sign with changeable copy to identify the grades or types of motor fuel sold and the prices of such fuel.
   (f)   “Directional sign” means a sign used to direct on-site traffic and identify services such as restrooms, hours of operation, etc., and of which no more than fifty-percent of the graphic area is non-directional information. The display area for such signs shall not exceed twenty-four inches in height or width, and the above grade height for freestanding directional signs shall not exceed thirty-six inches. The total area for all such signage shall be no more than 20 square feet per parcel. Directional signs are excluded in the computation of sign area.
   (g)   “Exempted signs” include public notices by governmental bodies, traffic control signs, and other official signs and official notices. No sign, except exempted signs, shall be placed on or above the public right of way.
   (h)   “Freestanding” means a sign having a support structure that is embedded in the ground.
   (i)   “Internal sign” means an indoor sign viewed through windows from the exterior. Internal signs shall not occupy more than twenty-five (25%) of the window area contiguous to the sign and shall not be illuminated. Internal signs are excluded in the computation of sign area.
   (j)   “Joint identification sign” means a sign displaying more than one business or listing more than one associate, partner, employee or agent of any business.
      (1)   Freestanding joint identification signs shall display no more than three businesses or listings.
      (2)   Wall-mounted joint identification signs may advertise more than three businesses or listings.
   (k)   “Off-premises sign” means a sign located on a property other than the property where the goods or services are sold or offered for sale. Off-premises signs are prohibited.
   (l)   “Projection sign” means a sign, other than a wall-mounted sign, suspended from or supported by a building or structure or sign structure and projecting out from a building. No part of any projection sign shall extend more than three feet from the building upon which it is located.
   (m)   “Roof sign” means any sign planted, erected upon, against or directly above the parapet of a building, including a sign affixed to any structure erected upon a roof. Roof signs are prohibited.
   (n)   “Temporary sign” means a sign associated with a temporary activity, not permanently attached to a building or permanently embedded on a site. Temporary signs shall be prohibited except with issuance of a Temporary Use Permit as per Section 1129.05(b)(5) or as provided for in Section 1170.05(f), C-5 Central Commercial Zoning District Exceptions.
   (o)   “Wall-mounted sign” means any sign attached to or erected against the wall of a building or wall-type structure, or which is an integral part of such building or structure with the exposed display surface of the sign in a plane parallel to the plane of the building or structure. Projections of wall-mounted signs shall not exceed one foot measured from the face of the main wall of the building. (Ord. 25-2002. Passed 7-1-02.)